This video we’re going to go ahead and join one of the Twitter spaces and put it in this YouTube video and have some commentary about uh Bitcoin and if Craig R actually pushed the button towards you know this entire hyp hyperbitcoinization moment happening so let’s see if we can
Make this happen right now stand by Heym everybody hey man GM how’s everybody doing so this is uh this is the Twitter space I’m really glad to be here you know this is freaking great man this Twitter thanks for coming man yeah no I got your voicemail is it Andreas yeah Andreas who left me a
Voicemail oh me not Bose Bose okay yeah that was cool I got your voicemail and we laughed about that uh you know I Twitter’s got voicemail now yeah super cool we laughed about that because uh uh you probably thought that I was trying to mooch off you and
Get a free place to stay in London you know oh yeah that’s not that was very kind of you and very generous uh you know but you know I I would never I would I would always get my own place but I would very very thoughtful of you to allow me to have
Accommodations that was that it was a knee jerk I was just like and come come stay in my H please oh yeah you know yeah like I it’s very I was very thoughtful gesture I wouldn’t take you up on it you know but it’s thoughtful to
Ask it’s great to you know nice to do it so that comment um so you are coming here to London for the court case well that’s uh you know am I coming to the London for the court case so it’s uh it’s up in the air right now
Uh you know I’ve kind of left it in the hands of coin geek for that because there are the ones that are going to have to sponsor you know to basically allow me into the courtroom Calvin and them so I don’t I don’t think that anybody can just go in there and do
Anything they want I could be wrong do you guys know have you guys been to the courtroom there I believe it’s no I don’t know it may be a public it could well be a public thing I’ll find out yeah it would be that would be like super crucial because
Right now I don’t have any any access and I wouldn’t want to be out there if I can’t get in um and so I’m I’m meeting with coin geeek NE was it next week I have to check the date but I’m gonna do a video with coin geeek here coming up
Soon and we’re GNA talk me and C uh uh Kurt and C invited me you know so but it’s a matter of uh just putting it all together it works on my schedule for sure it works but it’s a long it’s kind of a long period I mean it’s what is it
February 6th till middle of April or early April or something that’s a long period I mean it would have to be like a week or two for me that’s probably all I could probably do uh it seems like Kurt’s gonna be there for a long time Kurt’s gonna have his whole family there
Wow yeah so what uh what is it that you guys are uh I mean what is it that you guys are uh did you have a subject that you were discussing here today about Craig yeah yeah yeah so let give you heads up what we’ve been doing
Lately like since the bsv has been pumping like every day we’ve sort of been like Loosely coordinating to have try to have a bsv 247 space going so uh BS his Bitcoin the frog with McDonald’s hat next to you he has been a like amazing guy like hosting spaces for a
Long time he’s in Europe and then we’ll like take the torch and like pass the torch so he was just doing a space for probably like 12 15 hours today and now it’s like close to bedtime so now we’re passing the torch so we’re just trying to get Loosely coordinated whenever
Someone’s available to get a 247 bsv support desk so anything goes we can talk about anything um and sometimes it gets crazy but we try to keep it um you know balanced into uh Bitcoin so yeah wow that’s like one of the most amazing unique things about this uh this
Entire being involved in Bitcoin because it’s just a it’s organic what you guys are doing it’s not like anyone’s telling you to do that no one’s paying you to do that I mean right I don’t I don’t think so it’s just this organic that’s like kind of goes along the lines with
Uh you know some of the other Visionary guys you know they’ve talked about how Bitcoin is a is a company you know it’s it’s kind of like putting yourself back in the day you know when you get your first first job out of college and you know you’re really excited about the
Company being a company man and you’re going to work together with your and I’ll tell you a story here for me when I first got my I worked at Macy’s which is a department store in college selling furniture and then uh you know when I
Was in college just worked my way up in sales to the top and then while I was there you know I I got the opportunity to go into a company called a marquest which was a big Mortgage Company subprime mortgage company here in California all over the United States
And so what uh it was like when I got to the company I was one of the first guys from my fraternity to get in there and we just it it started just popping off and we were just starting to have I was having huge success with it and so then
All of a sudden we um I started calling in the guys from the fraternity Delta Kai we had like 20 uh we had about 15 to 20 guys in one branch from the fraternity and it just became we were we were all part of the company we were all
Together like unified in a in a in a group however we were really all part of the company and the company was called a marquest at the time and so but it was just like this you know it was like a Brotherhood in a way it was it was it
Wasn’t toal Brotherhood it was all guys there was no women so you know at all not that they weren’t allowed they just weren’t drawn to it and so not that this isn’t uh women aren’t here it sounds like there’s going to be really smart intelligent women the women at at bsv
And other places I’ve seen but this is like uh you know that type of environment from what I’m seeing but it’s more of an online space than the company is Bitcoin where everybody just by being a part of it the opportunity grows you know and we had this thing at
The time where everybody who see if we came together and we hit a certain number as a team we all got a we we we all got paid a bonus we got we got a $10,000 bonus for the month just for hitting a certain number as a team so we
What we did is we like work around the clock like you guys are all doing here sitting on these calls on the phones and just driving it until we hit the goal and you know it may be uh advantageous to set a goal you it sounds like the goal is support and helping
Things grow but has anyone considered about what like some of the goals would be for like a space like this what what what what’s what would a what would a success look like let’s say that you do this for the next 30 days what would
Success look like at the end of it what would a goal what would a goal be bo Bose have you thought about that uh only briefly uh and I didn’t comment to any um really strong answers I think at the moment you know one of the problems that
Well I does anyone else want to does anyone else want to speak to that goals over the next 30 days because it’s a good question yeah I mean I would just say is if we can keep like 30 people in the room that’s listening uh as an
Average um you know try to consistently stay at like 30 people that are in the space I mean I think that could be a good mure anything else well that’s yeah that’s great sounds like a very yeah that’s so by doing 30 people and what um have you have you thought about like
What that’s going to do is it going to build a is it is it going to build a goal of like building momentum is that the uh see the outcome yeah 100% you know it creates excitement it keeps people excited and engaged and they’ll like you know maybe
Be listening in a space maybe somebody comes up asks a question and then that person in the space that’s listening can like quickly answer the question so jump as a speaker or something like that you know just a sense of community and maybe someone outside of bsv can come in and
Uh ask questions about the ecosystem and whatnot and we’re just here to answer and give all questions and give Good Vibes and be kind and accepting anybody and everybody everyone’s all welcome yeah sounds like a a well I mean here’s the questions that I always get
Like well I say well how do I get started you know right so this could be a place where people where I could send people to and they could say you know go here and find out you know what what’s a good place 100% yeah yeah Bitcoin SV
Support desk 247 on Twitter spaces go go go hang with those guys oh hey please do this man listen I don’t mean to butt in I have my hand raised but I never get uh any attention or called on so I just rudely interrupted I’m sorry guys
Apologize I didn’t see I didn’t see your hand you must have a glitch but go ahead oh oh gravy baby I just caught the uh the the tail end of this conversation and already I could tell that everybody’s on to something here I just got that Vibe you know what I mean like
The vibe and and the sense and the feeling that I just jumped into a really good space that’s going to open up another realm of ideas and possibly get people to hey look over here look what we’re doing we’re innovating again we’re number one again so these are just
Cycles inside of Cycles right cuz you know every everybody knows now bsv was the first one ever to do microtransactions bsv was the first one ever to have a tokens protocol bsv was the first one to ever have a decentralized Exchange in real life a
Global order book so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and now we’re seeing all these other chains do what we’ve been doing for the last five six years and and and such and Now’s the Time to actually do something to get
More attention again so we can repeat this cycle because in Ultimate reality it’s just Cycles inside of Cycles it’s like these never ending Cycles so just just want to put that two cense in there and and and people need really need to start stop being negative
I’m probably a a a guilty as [Β __Β ] over it too you know I I get Negative sometimes and call [Β __Β ] out and say things that probably ain’t appropriate or anything and and that’s not helping the community at all or or or our our main goal is is to pump bags you know we
Want everybody to hold Vibes hoddle look look at us innovate and attract attention so we can all be in this together and and we all rise you know so that’s just my two sense I just jumped in anybody want to update me on what the conversation
Was Chief boom oh [Β __Β ] sorry I’ve got a question to actually Gavin um Gavin you know how uh Craigs or and chain have got all these patents on on uh blockchain and things like that uh I was just wondering how long he’s had the current PS and I was wondering that they’ve got
A 20 year sort of they expire in 20 years so I was just sort of thinking if Copa or like all these other sort of people are able to [Β __Β ] or put off uh everything you know for 10 or 20 years like how do you see that sort of
Playing out if they’re able to if ethereum still able to be ethereum if all these other blockchains or the whole crypto space is able to [Β __Β ] for years and years and years do you think that they could already well Andre very good question very good question
Uh I quick and to hold the question I I don’t needan to be rude but I just want to say something before before I lose my train of thought and can’t think of it again I’m thinking of something that can hold us all accountable as a community
So I like these ideas of of I’m sorry to to totally go off subject but the whole chain race and all that stuff is boring to me um and I have to get it off my chest or I’m going to forget it we’ll never hear it again so I’m thinking of a
Way to hold ourselves accountable amongst this community to stay positive to to keep the Vibes High to to to just keep a very positive energy going in this ecosystem that’s that’s still so young and and and so far away from yet so far away from disruption but just
Hold that thought any everybody heard me speak everybody heard that thought everybody uh let it be in your mind let it resonate and uh go on with that question I’m sorry uh talk about your comment actually and and your thoughts here because I want to share a story
Uh is it is it Andreas the gentleman that was that was making that comment Who’s the Andreas Chief okay chief all right so let me you know before we go over to the P discussion about the patents if I may Bose I want to just bring up a story
Here it’s very relevant to exactly what you guys are doing in this space and I’ll tie it back into what I what I started with and that was well see I when when I yeah I’m I’m leaving college right I’m already I’m very very successful at a company this is a
Furniture Company Macy’s general department store but you know I knew it wasn’t long term I I didn’t I would I never wanted to work there at a job like that for very long I knew there was something better I I went ahead and I got promised I of this dream that you
Know there was this great opportunity with this other other company it was called am marquest I was going to go in there and I was going to make more money at this job at this other job and it was going to be a better environment I literally I was like went in there
Interviewed and I was just super super super excited you know we’re going to knock this thing out of the park you know and so I quit my job I’m I’m out of college and literally I’m about six months now out of college at this time
And I’m like all right I quit quit the job and I was making very good money at this job gone flat out left burned my bridges I mean I I did a terrible job as you know burning my bridges at the job like I I should have left on better
Terms I just walked out so I couldn’t go back and I get to this company and this is very relevant to like everything about this space right now right so we’re I’m promis I’m promised know it’s going to be great I go in there I find
Out that it’s the worst out of out of about 10,000 I say less about about five or six thousand branches in the C in the entire nation this was the last one it was the worst in the whole place so there’s about 20 guys in an office and
They hired me in this branch and of course they they make all these wild promises I’m thinking it’s going to be great finally once I get started I’m there and I found out that it’s the lowest the absolute lowest ranking producing in the entire company the last
In last place humiliated you know and I’m thinking like wow so I just left and and I get in there and all they tell me is they say I was promised I was going to learn how to make $110,000 a month right I’m I’m like you know you’re going
To be guaranteed you’re going to learn how to make $10,000 a month all they did was put paper on my desk and a phone and they said make these calls I went in there and I just literally got you know hung up on for about three
Weeks to a month straight and I just brutalized it it was like this is this is horrible here I’m in the worst branch in the company I left a good job I’m all the way in last place now I’m making all these calls I’m getting nowhere uh and I
Go into the guy’s office and um and I say listen you know you you guys promised me that you were going to teach me how to make $10,000 a month when I got here now all you’ve done is make me make these calls and get hung up on and
Get yelled at and he humiliated and I found out I’m in the worst worst branch in the whole company and I said you know when is it when am I goingon to learn this when am I GNA figure this out he’s like you know when’s the secret gonna
Come out you he’s like you already have the secret I’m like what’s the secret he’s like you know believing that you can do it you you don’t believe you can do it so therefore you can’t do it and you’ll never make it here you’ll never
Make this a month and it really it it started the shift it took about another three months okay about another three months of grueling just absolute humiliation of in the gutters of yel being yelled at and told no and hung up on over and over and over and over again
But by the fifth month okay this is the very the fifth month in the company I’d made my DET determination I was going to be the number one in the whole company and by the fifth month out of 10,000 people I hit the number one rank in that entire company Nationwide No Looking
Back all right and then I held the ranks for 20 months and as soon as that happened I hit the number one spot I said all right guys I started calling everybody my fraternity and I got the best guys into the branch and then we just started moving momentum building
Momentum building momentum after a year at the company we were the number one branch in the company we went from the last the worst think of bsv what the lowest ranking you know solid project on coin coin market cap being the lowest the most the most hated the worst of all
That was us this is the true story we were the lowest we were nobody and and I’m telling you I just said screw it I’m just going to stick to it I’m not going to quit and I’m gonna make this I’m gonna do everything I can to make it the
Best and just start bringing in all the right people attracting the right guys to the community and then just committing to it long hours and eventually it wasn’t even eventually it was five months five months I was number one and within one year we were the number one branch in the whole company
And we completely out of 10,000 okay this is not just a small thing so I mean it was it it’s all about momentum and once that momentum started I’m telling you man it just caught on like wildfire the positive like mindset and the moment and the the the tenacity of just go go
Go so like this space right here where you commit to it and you’re on every every day like this doing a support and you’re supporting other people if you keep that momentum going and you mark it every day all right that’s day one day two day three all all of a sudden you’re
Going to hit day 30 and then you’re going to say shoot I don’t want to quit we’ll do 31 days we’ll do 32 next thing you know it’s going to be it’s going to be 90 days out and the bsv price will be like three $400 and you won’t know whoa
Did we have something to do with that yeah you did you did you did have something to do with that and it’s just gonna speed things up it only just speeds up the the inevitable momentum because what’s uh what’s unique about Bitcoin when I say Bitcoin first of all
The name bsv is [Β __Β ] all right we got to get rid of that name uh I’m sorry that everyone calls it that that’s just my personal opinion all right we have a we have an amazing name we that it’s used it’s called Bitcoin and we we need
To take that name back and that’s what this court case will hopefully result in we’ll be able to completely claim it back and get get it out of the the the mindset of uh of scams and and uh what it’s been associated with because it’s still I mean it’s what people know when
They hear Bitcoin they still have the who are not embedded in the space they still think good about it it has an incredible name there’s a small fraction we’re like a little sliver of of uh of what what could be and so with or without the name there’s still the
Technolog is there the people are there and everything’s on the right track you know and so I just wanted to share that story with you guys to give you kind of a perspective with where I see things you know I’m here because that’s where I see things I’ve been there I started at
The the bottom and work my way to the top and that’s where bsv is it’s this little unknown it’s unknown or just been completely slammed but it’s not going to be unloan for long and it’s gonna have a re a huge emergence it will have a huge emergence and I’m not talking about
Investments you know I tell people do not invest just participate do something build it just get on you know get on Play Games have at least one one just one you know and do and let it let it see where it takes you because the more
People that have one you think about it in the future we’re going to be transacting in Satoshi you know how far out is that going to be a year two years it really comes down to how much longer do we have in the Fiat system do we have
Another six months five years how much longer is Fiat going to be around until it just completely becomes worthless these are these are questions that will will basically develop this and so it’s you think about it though as the Fiat system starts to go down and you know starts to un
Unfold what’s been what’s been rising in the winds in the wings yeah gold and silver yeah it’s it’s lawful money and it’s it’s lawful current okay but who do who uses gold and Sil silver to transact nobody nobody does so what do we what do we transition to you know I mean it’s
Literally in the perfect situation right now to transition the momentum for people to have digital cash electronic cash I mean that that’s where that’s where this is going you guys there’s no question about it and so we want to just have that that mindset it’s I mean think
About it if you have a you could just travel to the Future just a little bit where what it would be like I mean is there any question is there any variables that something else is going to be built better than built Bitcoin you know one of these shot 256 is is
There going to be another chain that’s going to be somehow take over the shaw 256 dominance I mean I’m just not seeing how I’d love to I would love to entertain you know a discussion on how but I just don’t see how it’s going to happen and
So that brings up your uh your patent your patent comments or you know questions there Bose I mean you know if you think about if you think about how this whole thing is played out now I was personally there when Satoshi made the announcement in Dubai all right I was
There and I was the one I was in the room now what H and let me just tell you the story as to what happened so you know he’s given the keynote speech and it’s U you know in front of about 500 people and I’m sitting there with Shia
And myself and he you know scrip guys and a young lady here in a little small group in the back of the room and he’s coming out on stage and he’s mapping out he’s mapping out the overall strategy for you know Bitcoin okay and it’s it it’s highly highly strategic uh strategy in
In an understanding of not only in law but in the the economy and the economics portion of it and in uh I would say almost like a military tactical strategy now he made the very confident statement which was which was very humble of him that he decided that he wasn’t going to
Crush the little guy well he could because you asked about the patents right you asked what about these patents why aren’t they being enforced well he decided at that at that event and he’d already been working with shawe on this I don’t know how long a year two
Years before they were going to build ethereum on bitcoin and so it was that that event that they announced the uh the integration with uh what is it um the ethereum programming Lang language solidity on on uh scrypt to where one one it was just one one line of code and
You could put solidity right on bitcoin and so it was that it was that announcement that he said you can either join us so he gave ethereum notice you can join us we’re going to build your project on here for you and save all the money in gas fees
Or we’ll see you in court now so there’s a period where he’s letting that happen uh that exact timeline of it’s a year two years I don’t know but there’s a period a notice period an opportunity period for them to begin to join and migrate it’s really the developers it’s
The coders you know they have to become aware that it’s possible that they can just transition right onto Bitcoin and with solidity and and still keep doing ethereum they can still they can still use ethereum that’s fine but it’s on bitcoin and it becomes a much cheaper
Project so that H that has to first of all compl completely be absolutely um shunned and saying and and the ethereum guys refuse I guess to do that with plenty of notice and opportunity and then at that point then the patent litigation would would begin so that’s
Going to be a judgment call and a strategy call uh from the top guys at nchain as to when they would they would make that when they would make that decision because yes those uh the smart contract patent exists on on uh nchain at nchain right now so you’ve got a
You’ve got a smart contract patent that was issued before that was applied for before ethereum started and ethereum started coming up with these Concepts so therefore they are in a alleged a possible of course it’s not we can’t say violation till the court determines but they are in a possible
Breach of contract so they got a couple of opportunities one they can migrate onto Bitcoin or two they could pay a licensing fee to nchain or three they can just do nothing and then at that point patent patent litigation will begin patent litigation uh is extremely expensive extremely tight tough and and
They’re very uh and when patents are written tight they’re hard to get around and beat you know they’re very brutal so with the with the with the entire Fortress of patents around n shame some 4,000 applied for like a thousand or something issued it’s like this giant
Wall um you know around Bitcoin it’s a giant wall around the entire Bitcoin space because if you think if you I wish I I wish I had the knowledge and the time to really like read and understand every single patent but um you know it’s it’s it’s definitely something we we got
To talk about with Zim or other people and Craig himself who’s really the author of these patents and I would say you know the guy the creator of Bitcoin is probably the best guy to write the patents especially if he’s if he understands how to write you know legal
Documents incredibly well and so um now it’s just a but it takes a really thick understanding of whether or not the patents are sound are they sound um you know mathematically scientifically along the lines of Bitcoin are they are they truly sound that’s really going to take
A court to determine that that uh but you know it really that part right there comes down to the believing you can do it part I mean if the patents are a bluff and ethereum does nothing I mean are the patents a bluff it’s a really really I don’t think so I
Would say I have read the the ethereum smart contract patent the one that was issued there’s two or three around that and those those are definitely are uh I would say they are definitely going to be requiring a Court’s determination they’re not frivolous patents those are not frivolous they’re they’re sound at
Least enough to require determination so uh this is a longterm strategy playing out right now in front of us and I’m just glad and grateful to be on the winning the winning team you know or the team that’s going to be winning now I’ve been on enough losing teams already I’ve
Already found out hard the hard way anyone else was uh was hit hard by the Luna Luna scam you know and I that was that was my that was my uh that was my end all you know I said this is really it you know I am not getting slammed by
Another scam you know we I’d been in in the in the Ico thing in 2017 and 2016 and I and I thank God did well on some of them but you know there was a lot of scams too and so once the Luna thing got going you know I I thought was playing
It safe by putting all the all the profits in us the stable coin and then I remember meeting with shiaway i i we were I we were going to go to coffee or something like that and right you know and I and I told him I said well my Luna
Investment just went to zero it it was a scam you know they they overnight it went to 20 it went to 20 it was like uh $20 you know 20 20 cents on the dollars and then I thought no way it’s not going to keep going down it can’t it’s going
To go back up it’s got to be wrong and then it was like you know two cents or something you know so it all went to and I say that only because we we have to we have to realize that that’s what the entire other all these other
Things are they’re just another Luna BTC is another Luna I mean what what’s you know where you’re in a you’re in a Ponzi scheme you know uh so it’s uh it’s just mindful that we’ve got to we’ve got to focus on utility and adding all this value for people there’s so much being
Built right now on on the Bitcoin space that is allowing people to going to allow people to literally uh change the entire internet and the entire world as we know it I mean I’m I’m looking at this from a uh really a very you know evaluating it from like all these
Different angles and different people before I really want to put myself out there with this you know it’s been years before I decided to to to do that you know I I mean it’s been years I mean I for I was involved in the fork the Bitcoin Forks you know I wouldn’t call
Them Fork the splits now where BTC forked and bch then forked again from the original protocol because bsv never never never forked at all it stayed along the same line so I was involved in that I was watching it all happen kind of playing out then investigating
Everything but it wasn’t until I went to the Dubai you know met uh met people in Dubai in person and then again in London and I met uh met everybody you know sat down with everybody not everybody but a lot of people and it really all it all
Came it all came to light that this is real you know this is this is not uh Bitcoin is a company and it’s it’s here to stay guys this is a long-term thing it’s not going to happen overnight but like spaces like this is going to keep
On building momentum so there’s a few minutes on a soap box for me so uh you know we can table back over to you guys uh for a few minutes uh you know but it it really is a uh it really is a momentum thing okay and
That’s where where I think you guys are on the right track I’m really grateful to be a part of that because you know we come in here we can start growing and I could drive tra people traffic in here they’re going to want to learn about
This how do I how do I get support you know if we have a support like this that’s huge because you know we can and it’s you know motivational speak speeches are fun for me and I I like doing things like that it’s a lot of fun I’ve done a lot
Of lot of speeches I had a lot of I had a company that you know we had about hundred and something guys in a big sales sales group and every day we’d get up and do a motivational talk on different things but this is not just
You know this is what we’re doing here is much bigger than uh motivation you know this is actually world changing I mean here’s here’s something I’m trying to drive this point home into another other other groups okay of people and one group is like about this
This law okay I wouldn’t say law it’s more of a Freedom Center group where you know you got group with with moms and they’re upset about political things and they wanna they want freedom they they just want freedom they want to be left alone and and it really what I’m really trying to
Get to them so begin to open their minds about is like well when you begin to control your money then you’re not relying on someone else and not when I say control your money I mean having a lot of money that’s not what I’m saying is I mean actually you transact
Peer-to-peer with the next guy like they used to do with gold and silver like you still could do right now but we can’t do that on the internet and so but when we can transact peer-to-peer through Bitcoin Bitcoin SV we actually you know what that makes us Sovereign because eventually then we
Don’t need anybody at all in between us we’re not relying on anyone and once you’re no longer relying on someone for your money that’s what sovereignty is because think about it what what is the uh what is the one thing that that is always the focus of control the the
Money who he who controls the money controls the controls the world isn’t hasn’t that been the theme theme for the entire like last two 300 years maybe throughout history and and this is this this is what makes this invention here so unique and special is that it’s it’s
For the first time puts the sovereignty back into the people through my path I ended up uh evaluating a few different options I think one that I kind of landed on at the time that I liked was eos I like model it made sense you rent server
Space basically you know there was a in a an analogy to the real world but I also tried bch and this is the important part um I had liked Bitcoin before 2017 when I started developing on ethereum but you couldn’t really do what we wanted to do so we had to use ethereum
And right around that time on bch there are these couple of services one was um memo memo cache and they had just introduced SLP tokens um so it’s like the first version of tokens on on bitcoin cash and I thought that was really cool so I noticed that we could
Start programming on these flavors of Bitcoin and I found a tool that was called Bitcoin computer at the time uh you may know the very similar technology called run which you know kind of dominated for about three years but either way back then I was working on
Tool set or with a tool set that was called Bitcoin computer and um the two options were Bitcoin cash and Bitcoin SV and for me like I had done some research but I didn’t really deep dive into it you know the first couple of pages of
Google were like Bitcoin SVS a scam so I chose Bitcoin bch at the time and um the the prices weren’t that much different but in a couple of months the prices dropped on bch uh sorry dropped on BS V and all I had to do in in the code was
Like change one setting right I didn’t have to write any new code I just had to change one setting and all of a sudden I could send more transactions and it was cheaper for me and so there was no turning back after that so I think what
Bose just described as a path forward for people who want to develop on bitcoin to find escript for BTC find that script can do so much more than it allows for them to do on BTC and just toggle that button real quick they’re going to try it and
Fall in love with it and probably not look back that’s just my my thought on how this is going to work that seems like exactly what happened with you you you tried it and it just absolutely there was no going back right so from my own personal lived experience I can see this
Happen to a lot of other developers too wow seems like that was even before yeah got it I mean and now it’s even it’s even grown so much more since then I guess it’s even easier since the time that you we’re probably getting into it it’s it’s
Different but it is much better so back then you know we hadn’t had a one gigabyte block yet now we have four gigabyte blocks regularly so I was taking some things on faith right that these Big Blocks would be possible you don’t have to take that on faith anymore
Um I had to take on faith back then that fees would drop instead of increase that sounded illogical in the face of like how quote Bitcoin works but over the four years that have you know since then we’ve seen transaction fees do nothing but go down and when it seemed like it
Might be in the best interest to raise them a little bit T was like nope nope Noe for Teran note or nothing you know what I mean so um yeah some of the things that might have continued to push people away when I made that decision back then those considerations don’t
Exist anymore and we’ve like on this network created technological Feats of advancement that if you’re willing to look at and I think more developers will be willing to look at with if it just takes like a toggle switch um it it makes plainly obvious that SV is a a
Better place to be developing W that’s very encouraging super encouraging sounds good right sounds good and then the question is how fast can we do this earlier we were talking about bridges so you you’ve seen a lot of these Bridges you’ve seen a lot of this defi stuff on
The other chains obviously you had a bad experience with Luna one of the biggest problems that we have on is being so what’s the word uh disconnected from the cryptocurrency industry that we can’t get tether and usdc liquidity on this chain so there’s people that come over
Build defi things now and then but they kind of they they give up and go away but uh we’ve been talking about bridges this evening and like bridging stuff in uh crossing over from one chain to the other kind of thing so and I mean what Zach’s talking about is Bitcoin
Script but as you mentioned earlier people can compile ethereum contracts using the escro uh Shia L’s ethereum topiler so maybe we can do that maybe he can do that with the cardano logic as well maybe you can do it with I don’t know the salana logic right and just
Just bear in mind that those guys are companies gav you have any hles hey Chief I can’t add add you for some reason maybe try leaving and coming back thank you sir hey Gavin um do you have any huddle sir pardon do you own any of the Huddle token huddle token yes
Sir it’s a it’s a token Gavin on bsv that’s like a lock to Mint um that like uh was sort of came out a few months ago this new type of protocol call where you can lock some Bitcoin for a certain duration and then as um and then it it
It minants for you like a a bsv 20 token or lrc 20 token yeah while I’m asking is because right now there’s developers who developed hle Locker they’re looking to potentially now that hle Locker is open source there’ have been discussions from developers saying they could potentially implement this token called huddle which
Is the first lock to Mint onchain asset that in history and potentially implement it with hudle locker I just that’s why I was just curious if you knew about the token I’m fible I thought it I thought it if I if I raised 100 bsv would you eat a poof
Sandwich oh come on Harry we’re not going there I’m gonna kick you bro I just so the argument I heard against using hodal as like some base currency for hodal Locker is that the 21 million hotal can’t be divided there’s zero decimal places after the token I mean after the
Number yeah that’s a use that’s a feature not a bug it’s like you know what’s funny Z is um is Bose actually used chat GPT and asked AI um what could be a solution for that and AI responded that um you can just prepay a minor it’ll be an account
Based system that you have with a minor but you would just prepay them for like 10,000 transactions Worth or something I don’t think he would appreciate being called chat GPT yeah I was going to you know it would be great if you could we could put that together like what is the ultimate
Goal here uh where you guys are taking on this uh it’s really a gargantuan task I mean a constant space for 30 days I mean that’s like a a giant I mean it’s an amazing goal like but and so in order to stay motivated it is it’s a hard goal
To hit man that’s a freaking big deal and so when you do that like what is it that you want to achieve uh by doing it you know what’s the ultimate I think we I mean I think we need a website at least and one of us
Building a um a kind of version of the spaces so you have to pay to speak and then when you I think well you know what I’m not quite sure about the how how it works uh bsv is Bitcoin you want to you want to talk to Gavin about this or have
You got your your head in code at the moment he might have passed out he was uh did the legendary 14 hour space earlier today he’s in dead Mark so he’s maybe uh getting disease yeah I was a little bit and out thank you so much for the
Compliment so tired but thank you uh super awesome you bring the Vibes Kevin um really is very refreshing to hear your like thoughts just general about Bitcoin and how everything it should work together I didn’t catch what you asked me uh to speak on well you know
The really in simple terms is the goal of the of the space I mean some like Ian it sounds like the goal is to be on the space consistently for a month or for the next 30 days and what is the outcome and I think one of the things that Bo
Bose you mentioned was a possible website and and then the website could could do certain functions like potentially other attract other was it was it ethereum and other projects well I mean I just registered that literally out but uh but but no bsv is Bitcoin the Bitcoin broadcast he’s building
Something go ahead Bitcoin broadcast oh yeah okay thank you so much um so I have listened a lot and tried and participate with you guys and and hear all the mins and I came up with sort of the idea of starting Bitcoin spaces. net and um I
Hope for that place to be uh through proof of work uh mainly uh by locking or token uh to create sort of more incentivized um you know spaces where people can really hone in on the topics that they want to develop inside of uh the decentralized space we call
Bitcoin um so I mean yeah in in general we’ll be doing the same thing we’re doing right now uh just sort of with the Bitcoin layout on top of it gamified you could call it gamified X spaces I guess um just with bit coin um and yeah I guess that’s the general idea