Hello bugs so I’m here guys to do the reading for cancer this is going to be for Cancer all house placement if the messages here are resonating I want you to take them newbies crosswatchers you’re welcome here all right my loves uh if you wish
To shop with me book with me all that information is in the description box below guys don’t forget the sale is going on in the shop until the 6th of the month okay so that you may receive your orders before Valentine’s Day for those of you who are ordering some of
Those oils for that in particular guys um there is a review posted in the shop on d r has I want y’all to check it out all right um shout out to the first person to post a review on hesty RZ um thank you love uh guys I’m telling you it’s the
Bomb let’s get into the reading for you though all right because I got a message for you and it was very clear cancer the message was cancer the MTH scientist now I know you like Tona what is you talking about but that was the message I received for y’all before I
Even started the reading cancer the MTH scientist when I when I think of math scientists I think of I’m thinking of Frankenstein okay I am thinking of uh what’s that movie the black girl and her monster or whatever the name of that movie is Right trying to kind of
Prove there there there’s something you may want to prove about the fact that people change or that things can be different or or things can really be rebirthed right nine of Wands first card out let’s see here the eight of Wands I want you I I feel like you’re
Yeah look at this I feel like you’re showing people or you’re wanting to show people that this despite the hardships or how many times things fail or they they die off okay Rel and I’m speaking in terms of relationships and maybe um errors in your life they change Cycles
Close out things die off okay but you’re showing a sense of rebirth here I don’t know why I thought the death card was out here all right there’s a sense of uh rebirth regeneration there’s celebration and you’re showing like after the storm is over that there’s plenty to celebrate here all right
Um the world is out the hangman there’s a lot of sacrificing and suffering you you some of you are determined to show people that sometimes you don’t have to sacrifice and suffer in order to gain something you you don’t you don’t have to take this on there there’s not a need
To have to sacrifice and suffer that’s all I keep getting though cancer they keep making me feel like you don’t have to sacrifice and suffer you don’t have to sacrifice and suffer um in order to level up in life here yeah look at this some of you are meant to really
Change the world in some significant ways some of you you’re just simply meant to show your friend groups and the people close to you that despite what you go through you don’t have to be a product of your environment per se all right tell me more about the nine of
Wands all right what’s the nine of Wands for cancer the star and the nine of Pentacles oh my good like guys it’s like you’re showing somebody that working I I for all of you this this energy is going to be different it’s showing that hard work and dedication does pay off all right
Three of Swords two of Two of Wands and the and strength I mean I’m sorry death like I said I don’t know why I saw death the two of of Cups some of you you have a relationship coming in that’s transformative or you are transforming a relationship ship that everyone thought
Was dead done and over with okay for others of you this is just simply you transforming your life okay um showing that if it’s something you really want and it’s something you’re really working on and it’s something you really feel like you should have that it is worth
The fight the struggle the the hustle that is involved okay you’re showing people this through how you’re living your life the way that you’re working the what you’re doing with your finances like there’s something you your your proof is in the pudding okay cancer you’re the proof in the pudding
Okay this is I like this um this is over the over an 8mon span okay a lot of you can um Can anticipate growth and expansion for the next eight years all right this is growth and expansion over time it’s like once you get one thing it’s off to the next thing because
Because you have accomplished this and you’re building You’re Building like wealth or you’re building a foundation here a sturdy Foundation okay a lot of you are walking away from away from the belief that in order to have a sturdy Foundation you have to have another person involved in that [ __ ]
Right a lot of you are walking away from that you’re walking away from the idea that in order for us to have a sturdy Foundation we have to yeah look at this the nine of Cups yeah so in order for us to have a sturdy Foundation it requires um us
To be with someone else be quiet be reserved you know what this is taking me to cancer you remember like back in the day where a lot of women and men this can go for you as well but um I I need something to compare it to so this is
Why I’m using this you know like back in the day a lot of women did have to suffer and had to tone down or quiet who they were in order to have the life that they wanted all right um a lot of women had to submit to tox toxic environments and
Toxic situations toxic Connections in order to be able to have the life that they wanted I feel like cancer you’re going to be the example of you don’t have to sacrifice and suffer in order to have something okay some of you um men and women some of you have to be raised
Under the strong arm of a parent who was not very nice a cruel parent I feel like you had a good cop bad cop household okay for some of you this is a stepparent all right but what you’re showing is that you’re not a product of your environment all
Right that you can evolve and you can grow in any situation you’re the proof in the pudding okay because see you’re not talking about it you may not voice it very much okay some of you people can see the growth and expansion on the outside they can see the growth and
Expansion on the outside cancer and I love it I love this because this is like on world stage you’re celebrating you’re having a good time you’re enjoying life despite what you went through about anywhere from 3 to 9 years ago or or the or the span of even 12 years like you
Things were really rough something about 9 years old or 9 years there was a lot that happened okay but I mean it made you better it’s making you better tell me more about the star and the nine of Wands for can the Ace of Pentacles you had
Something that you want and you you still have this this thing that you want that you aspire to have something you Aspire aspire to grow into here and y’all it’s it’s it’s more than amazing it is more than amazing I love love love love love love love love love love love
Love love this okay let’s see the hanged man no more you don’t have to you there there is no see I’m just going to I just want to clap my hand for y’all for those of you who are doing this this is my Applause to you
This is my show me showing you respect and gratitude for where you’ve been and what you’ve been through okay it’s a changed mindset that’s taking place here because there’s this belief system that you have to suffer and sacrifice and give up what you want in order to have the life
That looks appealing to other people right so some of you this is being kept this is having like the good-look husband the good-look wife or boyfriend or girlfriend or significant other or partner okay people don’t understand they look at say oh my God I would love
To have somebody who looks like that but to have somebody who looks like that comes with a lot of woes sometimes when that person is not spiritually correct and not an alignment okay um for some of you this is like oh my God you come from
A rich family or you come from a an influent family all right maybe some of you are are related to St Stars I don’t know why they said Mega Stars okay but some of you have parents who are very well known for something that they do or
Your bloodline or your family name is high ranking in society and and it’s very important however the people who envy your life don’t know what you had to go through behind closed doors that there’s this belief out here that because you have money you don’t not you do not suffer
And you do not sacrifice and that’s absolutely not true everybody is sacrificing and suffering in some sense regardless of the life that they they are living that’s why sometimes it’s not a good idea to be envious of other people’s situations because there’s more that goes on behind closed doors that
People don’t see and cancer with you I get a sense of you’ve always known that and you recognize that you had to learn that at an early age this could even be from being envious of friends you know what I mean maybe they got they they they dress
Better than you or their parents had more money than your parents maybe they went on more trips or something like this all right and that friend may have told you that they were abused or nobody ever paid them any attention or maybe they were raised by nannies or raised by other
Family members they don’t have a tight relationship with their mother and their father although they’ll do anything financially for them that they want right for others and you recognize that having love was important and that friend with the money probably looked at your life and said well you know what
I’d rather have a mother and father who cared about me and loved and nurtured me and was around instead of having parents who are always gone right so it’s something like that all right you learned early on for all of you it’s a different situation but there is an understanding
Um there is an understanding here though cancer that you should never be envious of what you see there’s an understanding that you don’t have to sacrifice to and suffer to have the life that you want just have to work hard and cancer a lot of you have worked hard for quite some
Time and I feel like these things that you’ve wanted and you worked on is coming into fruition because you don’t have all these good cards for nothing you don’t have the Ace of Pentacles the star the nine of Pentacles that’s prepress energy there all right and it’s
Showing me that is coming into you due to a period of suffering and sacrificing okay some of you had some karmic debts you had to work off and now that you work out that kic de here comes your your your growth and expansion y’all excuse me as I have my I’m morning
Coffee I hope that you don’t mind that all right at the time that this reaches you guys it is for you okay I don’t I I I’ve recently had a conversation with someone and they did not understand that these readings are Timeless unless the only time I want you to assume a
Date a time a place is if I mention one and even then it may play out after that fact I am not God baby God is there’s only one there’s there’s only one Divine source and I am not he I am simply a a messenger put in
Place he or she depending on your I don’t want to offend anybody’s belief system all right I’m I’m so big on not offending other people’s belief systems but I will stand 10 toes down on my own all right but cancer this is what I see here I see that the fruits of your
Labors are play paying off there’s why do I get World Travel why do I get you being able to go out out and enjoy your life and enjoy yourself here tell me more about the three of cups in the world for cancer the two of
Cups the Queen of Swords and the 10 of Pentacles cancer you’re you’re approaching relationships and life totally different as and this and this is the thing this is why you’re getting this this stability look at this the empress is at the bottom of the deck and
The Chariot you’re well on your way all right and you’re not letting anybody stop you you’re being very upfront with people who want to be friends people who want to be in relationships with you you’re asking you’re you’re being you’re looking if at them in a sense of are you
Where I want to be in Life or are you doing better all right or do you even have we’re not even dealing with potential anymore do I see you taking the footsteps are you in going in the right direction can I see that you are building the life that you’re talking
About or are you just talking cancer you are no longer dealing with people places and situations where there’s a bunch of talking and there’s no action taking place okay because those you understand that that type of energy will hinder you it will cause you not to grow and expand
You’re you’re here for growth and expansion you are protecting your happiness here that was at the bottom of the deck look at this the Five of Swords anybody who speaks negatively or or or speaks down on your you’re cutting them out they’re gone okay because the days of suffering and sacrificing been over
That’s been over this been over all right you’ve learned your lesson in that place for some of you you could have been in a relationship or a friendship or maybe there’s a family business or there’s some type of TI to family and someone wanted you to believe that you
Had to suffer and sacrifice and deal with somebody somebody’s nasty ass attitude their despicable behaviors somebody’s lack of Integrity okay just in order to be a part of something that was bigger than yourself you’ve learned you’re recognizing that’s not necessary you don’t have to suck suffering sacrifice
For any situation and so you choose to go out here on your own all right some of you may have one to two very tight friends all right some of you have a partner someone that your you know your spouse your partner your your husband wife or whatever you call them
Girlfriend boyfriend fiance okay you have someone who is there and they have your back and they and they appreciate and they respect your Gangsta your hustle they respect what you out here doing all right and and those are the people that are going with you those are the people you’ve T you’ve
Taken with you all right somebody said your wise counsel some of you are choosing to take your wise counsel with you on this journey okay because you’re going from a nine of Pentacles cuz see a lot of you have already freed yourself from the suffering and sacrificing but I feel
Like you still have people coming in towards you and these are people from the past even though you freed yourself you still have people who want to treat you as if you have to be tied to this suffering and sacrificing and you don’t have to be
We have the empress and the um and The Chariot here okay cancer your energy is very strong here for me all right and you’re on your way you are on your way to Greatness all right greatness is what we on the brink of didn’t Nicki Minaj say that that
Probably ain’t a good time to be bringing her up huh oh well that’s what Nicki said okay and let me tell you something although you freed yourself and you separated yourself and you recognize that you can do this thing alone and life ain’t that scary alone
And there’s so much to grow and expand from when you experience things alone you are also having these people still trying to attach to you still trying to make you believe that you owe them something that you have to be there for them that you have to suffer and
Sacrifice that you have to oh no because we’re family because we’re married because we’re engaged because we have children together you have to put up with me and you have to deal with the nonsense that’s going on in my life because you’re you’re attached to me in some sort of way so my
Suffering and sacrificing is your suffering and sacrificing and cancer you’re putting your [ __ ] foot down and saying no your suffering and sacrificing is your suffering and sacrificing because see cancer these are people you already tried to help don’t save them she don’t want to be saved cancer
Don’t save them they don’t want to be saved saved they don’t want to be saved they had a ridiculous amount of your time where you were helping and trying to put your hand out there and help to grow and nurture something for a ridiculous amount of time cancer and these people
Chose not to change they chose not to take advant advantage of the opportunities that you were setting in front of them and understanding opportunity could be anything this this could even be you offering to watch their child while they went to school to get that degree while they went to work
To to or picked up a second job and this person didn’t want to choose to do it okay maybe you couldn’t help that person monetarily but you could be there and provide them a meal but but they don’t like to eat that or they no they don’t I
Don’t eat beef I don’t eat pork uhhuh uhhuh I don’t eat noodles meanwhile you ain’t got [ __ ] to eat but cancer is here offering you what they have because they’re willing to give you the shirt off their back if they can and you ker they said [ __ ] your
Shirt they said [ __ ] your shirt you tried to be loyal to the family what did the family do you tried to be loyal to the friends what did the friends do what did they do you’ve been suffering and sacrificing for years and you could have already been at this
Greatness now we going to respect the fact that there is the Divine timing and things play out in God’s time maybe your eyes became open and you became aware in God’s time okay but your time to be suffering and sacrificing has ended however God has
Given us free will so if you choose to continue to do this if you are a Cancer who’s still stuck in this space of oh I feel bad if I don’t do it oh I feel bad if I don’t do it oh I feel bad if I
Don’t do it you think they going to feel bad if the shoes on the other foot and they don’t do it hell no hell no hell no they ain’t going to feel bad baby they going to feel bad at all a lot of you drained your own income
Gave your last if I had $10 baby I’m going give you five I don’t got much to give you but here’s something and they didn’t even appreciate that it’s time to protect your happiness cancer and you may have to hurt some folks feelings but what you are showing people
Is I don’t have to suffer and sacrifice in this situation to be considered valuable I’m valuable all on my own right some people tried to make you feel bad for going after your dreams and chasing the things that you wanted to chase some of you were trying to open up
Businesses some of you may have tried to delve into acting or singing or something like this and and and someone made you feel bad for trying to get you some studio time for trying to to to you know travel to go do these things and the second you free yourself up from these
People so I don’t know what that was some of you did y’all hear that H what was that look at this the queen of Cups and the Seven of Wands this is about to tell you some of you play music beautifully you sing beautifully it’s beautiful and I literally hear you
Singing in a church choir and somebody doesn’t want you to do any other type of singing Just for the church cuz they say that that’s the you know secular music and the devil’s work and um something like that and they don’t want you to do
It and they and they held you back for years and I feel like some of you may have missed your mark on on singing or being an actress or being a um I Heard juliard for some reason um the time has passed now you will be considered old quote unquote in the
Industry you’re of old age although you’re very young some of you are only 29 some of you are 54 59 all right some of you are 49 some of you may have had someone who told you at the age of 92 or right before they they transitioned that they were wrong from
Keeping you from pursuing your dreams in some sort of way all right some of you grew up with overbearing mothers overbearing mothers who were afraid that you would get lost and SAU and mixed up in the wrong crowds okay for for some of you why they showing me
Some of you wanting to join fraternities or sororities and your parents being totally against this all right it’s not too late it’s not too late let me tell you something for those of you who were held back I was given a particular message that now is your turn to teach
And this is how you still pursue what it is that you want it to do although you feel like the time has passed you can teach music you can assist with acting they’re saying plays local plays in your area things like this all right um why am I seeing a support
Group and I’m also seeing a house mother a house mother some of you I’m going to be honest some of of you are strippers and you and you you no longer want to strip you were strippers you no longer want to strip you’re absolutely beautiful but that wasn’t your dream and people were
Trying to make you feel like that’s all you could do okay or maybe you were somebody who sold drugs I don’t know cancer but each of you is something different all right but I do see people who who may have been used and abused for their beauty they’re saying you can still
Pursue what you want to pursue all right tell me more about this Eight of Cups either way it goes look at this the strength card you’re being divinely guided to quietly exit a situation you don’t have to suffer and sacrifice through anything baby God has freed you
From a situation and don’t you dare go back God has shown you your angel your ancestor someone has shown you you’ve seen you’ve seen with your own two eyes they said it’s a dog eat dog world they will soak up all of your energy and soak up all of your your your light
And leave you with nothing but Darkness what’s the strength the king of Wands very strong Leo energy here we have a Scorpio out here we have a could be a fellow cancer and Aquarius all right um Taurus Scorpio Leo I said Aquarius already those are the signs that are the strongest out
Here right now maybe they’re involved all right um or maybe one of your Divine counselor the person that you count on to to be honest with you and to be truthful with you maybe those are two of those people maybe it’s a Scorpio and an
Aries or I’m Sor well maybe it is an Aries Scorpio and Aquarius a Leo and Cancer or something like this all right um for others of you the people who have hold been holding you back are those signs be mindful of people that come in
And try to exploit you for what it is that you can do right you’re freeing yourself and that’s the most important part you’re freeing yourself you’re no longer accepting this because of this you’re you’re on the brink of greatness you’re on the path of greatness look at that death at the
Bottom of the deck Six of Pentacles the nine of Swords some of you you know why this is showing up for you at all in this reading because some of you are so kind and you’re so empathetic and you’re so loving nurturing and caring that you’re going to feel like a piece of
[ __ ] for walking away it’s just called a boundary baby and it’s okay for you to have them it’s not okay to let a [ __ ] use you that’s not okay it’s not okay to let somebody use you to fill in the holes and voids that they’ve created in their own
Life because they don’t want to do the work to fill them in for their [ __ ] selves that’s not okay that’s not okay at all I love this energy for you cancer because you’re putting your [ __ ] foot down and that’s the bottom line you and I don’t care what maybe you’re still
Going through this right now maybe you just starting to recognize that you’re not getting where you want to be I heard you’re missing opportunities because you are out here trying to make sure that other people are okay that’s not okay it’s not okay okay you’ve been thinking about this thing very heavily
You’re ready to make you you’re making a decision to win and that and and that’s really what it is you’re making a decision to win and that decision you’re not going back on it this is a judgment comes out that’s a life-changing decision and that’s a decision that
Usually once you make it it’s going to stay that way you are making the decision to put your foot down and to go on about your life to go see about you to go make you happy and I really like that let me see what else um yeah look
At this no matter what happens outside of myself I know that I am safe and single right you’re getting the courage to go and pursue your dreams all right for some of you people people are going to be afraid to go with you or they’re
Not going to want to go with you on this journey and that’s fine they don’t have to cancer you don’t need anybody on this journey with you baby do you got this my love a baby boy I’mma start calling men when I be saying baby D I’ll be talking
To y’all too I hope y’ ain’t mad with me I’ll be talking to y’all too let me see here tell me more about the empress and The Chariot the magician look at that you’re in a healing Journey you’re in a healing healing Journey you’re going to
Be manifesting so much here cuz you see the magician in this deck is Dr cie right so I feel like it’s a very much though a very healing Journey the empress is at the bottom of the deck y’all to Temperance there slow change in cancer and Justice come on and Libra
Libra is about Justice Clarity the truth and that’s double that’s a double you Rec you see what’s really going on here cancer you’re making the choice to move forward to move forward to pursue what you want and some of you you’re not you’re not going to get the version of
What you wanted maybe 20 years ago but you’re going to get something so similar to it all right you’re still going to be emotionally fulfilled you’re still going to fulfill your destiny in a sense all right tell me more about the 10 of Pentacles for cancer this is good like you have
Everything you need and that’s that’s the part like I said some of you once you recognize that you have everything you need to kind of make it there is 8 years of abundant growth okay 8 years of building up something Brick by Brick layer by layer and it’s something great
It’s on a grand scale it’s something that you can really count on Okay it definitely helps you in your finances here ace of cups and Libra came out all right some of you this leads you there’s that Aries at the bottom of the deck for
Some of you that leads you to on a path of finding true love true happiness true truly being blessed all right and and then it also makes me feel like someone or some people are going to recognize the tower how much of a blessing it was to have you in their
Lives and how when you left the blessing left with you cancer six of Wands argue for your limitations and you get to keep them exactly like you may have been battling yourself back and forth in your mind as to why you should be sticking and staying with family
Members and friends and people in your life who really don’t do much for you there is no equal exchange no equal give or take and you’re finally sick and tired of it and you’re walking away from that energy and when you walk away your life becomes explosively abundant extreme happiness I feel for
You okay tell me more about judgment for cancer and then I’m going to close this reading out cuz we’ve been going for a long time you know Leo is in the reverse all right that will give us a king of Wands energy tell me more and the emperor you whatever you
Had a passion towards before you no longer do okay you’re looking for so this is Leo and Aries energy out here so whatever you had a passion towards whomever you had a passion towards a fire sign could have been involved in this I mean it could have been a Leo
Versus an Aries even all right you could be leaving a Leo and winding up with an aries okay or maybe the person you were assisting was um a Leo but then you’re or whoever one of those people all right but then you’re meeting an Aries and Emperor because it’s the emperor to the
Empress you have the ace of cups out here the tower this is true love the ace of cups came out with uh Libra which I said was Justice still to me anyways it’s still truth and Clarity behind um Libra stay focused remember why you started don’t focus on monetary issues
Focus on spirit let me tell you when you get in alignment with your life’s purpose the money is going to come don’t fret about the money cancer if you are one of the cancers that are currently getting in alignment with where where you need to be and what you’re supposed
To be doing and you’re know you’re separating yourself from these people who have been leeches or these people who have talked down on what it is that you want to do or they they have not been supportive then you are most certainly you are and you you walked
Away then you are most certainly going to get the money the money comes so long as you’re on your Divine path okay you’ll never go without so long as you are following the the the your path you may not be rich even but you won’t go without be thankful for not going
Without all right that’s how you bring more in your life you have to be thankful for what you have in order to get more all right be thankful for what you have all right cancers just be alone for now and develop your craft what did I say a lot
Of you are choosing to separate yourself because you’re feeling so pulled to do so when you do this you will feel find balance and it’s funny that Capricorn is at the bottom of the deck y’all because um to me you know with Capricorn being our our uh Brothers
And Sisters of the zodiac I feel like this is you finding your balance when you separate yourself from tumultuous situations and other people’s highs and lows you’re going to find your balance when you find your balance you find your path you start to grow in whatever it is
That you wanted to pursue so long ago you find the passion for that thing again and you actually start to work towards it or you’ve been working towards it all this time and now that you separate yourself from these people places and things you now you’re seeing it grow with
That the monetary increase comes all right loves so this is where I’m leaving in sofat cancer I hope this reading was helpful if it was give it a thumbs up like share and subscribe guys um I will be going live this evening so join me then and it won’t be very late evening
Guys cuz I understand that we have work in the morning but until then boo boos byebye