Hi Capricorn welcome to my channel thanks for joining me also welcome crosswatchers also this can be for sun moon rising and Venus um I possibly will tune into more than one situation you know take it how it resonates okay what do we need to know for Capricorn so we’ve got the five of
Pentacles could be dealing with a fellow Earth sign got the four of Wands Leo Aries Sagittarius nine of Cups ace of cups Taurus capr sorry cancer Pisces Scorpio okay so maybe somebody’s being cold of their feelings you know maybe they’re emotionally closed off they might have problems with
Commitment some of you could be starting a new relationship you know could be craving something wish fulfillment feeling content missing loved ones it’s a hard time you know in the world okay tell me more please whoa six of Wands it looks like someone’s starting a new relationship looks like it’s going to be
Very successful you could be wish you know visualizing okay any more messages for Capricorn any more for Capricorn King Of Wands could be dealing with a fire sign maybe you’ve got a new person coming in that creative passionate King Of Wands full of creative ideas fiery you know making
Decision um he does get his way most of the time you know tell more about this king of Wands seven of Cups uh maybe someone here is a bit of a dreamer bit of an Illusionist someone could have problems with alcohol um you know figuring out you know what’s most important to them
What’s closest to their heart their most precious some prize possessions you know like I said he’s all about the decisions as well you know um maybe something is clouding someone’s judgment such as alcohol like I said Illusionist dreamer yeah maybe someone’s got a problem with materialistic things some of you could be getting
Married okay um you could be getting engaged maybe you want to come back together with a family for a party a gathering after this lockd Down’s been lifted okay Capricorn some of you could be dealing with a Leo you have got cancer Pisces Scorpio yeah so so
Far so far I feel here that with this ace of cups it looks like maybe somebody’s afraid to reach out because they’re afraid of being rejected or left out in the cold maybe somebody’s being cold with their words um you’ve got quite a few cups here someone might have an alcohol
Problem um someone here is showing their resilience though you know they’re standing strong they could be going through lessons painful lessons poverty maybe someone’s homeless here um it’s like someone is going through some sort of lesson some sort of strength testing maybe this person isn’t very confident you know um but with this
Strength card it’s like they they need to find the strength to tell someone how they feel or pull themselves out of addiction you know agility stamina you know um maybe someone feels trapped they could have anger towards someone and they need to tame that anger um also this is about
You could have a very powerful strong connection with someone you know there we go that just jumped out queen of cups um so maybe someone’s got strong feelings with someone they don’t know how to reach out out it could be closed off emotionally and leaving someone out in the cold you
Know this is about resilience you know someone is showing their resilience um also this queen of Cups she’s very emotionally sensitive she’s very in tune with her emotions very tied to her emotions very wishy-washy up and down you know someone here’s got a lot of
Love for someone a lot of passion a lot of affection also she’s kind of like an empath you know she feels everyone’s pain everyone’s emotions you know anger you know she feels it all like I said she’s like an empath um it could be you
You could be around a fire sign or a water sign um or an earth sign fellow Earth sign or your person could be around a a water sign or a fire sign I feel somebody’s got a drinking problem I have to be honest hang on a sec somebody here’s got a a drinking
Problem there’s a lot of Cups here wow it’s like someone’s craving wish fulfillment heart’s desires dreams feeling content feeling accomplished feeling privileged you know wanting to do good and be successful in their life but it’s like something is clouding their judgment they can’t see straight due to alcohol addiction you know or
Weed or you know something something is is someone is very dependent on something here I think it’s alcohol it’s kind of poisoning their mind you know they can’t see straight they haven’t got to serve ahead at the moment um it could be what’s going on in
The world you know they want a way to block out their pain um and it’s just this is about perseverance as well you know someone could have had feelings for someone for a very long time the feelings the chemistry the spark it’s always been there but they’ve never you know they’ve
Never um acted on their feelings you know they’re kind of just sat and just a lot of thinking going on and they may have left you out in the cold maybe they’ve got another commitment another family another relationship you know um someone here is really showing their resilience you know but despite what’s
Going on in the world or what pain they’ve suffered in the past you need to stand strong you know be resilient persevere I have the power you know maybe somebody’s feeling trapped at home you know we’re all stuck at home we can’t travel we can’t go anywhere o wow
Yes someone here’s definitely got alcohol problem Five of Cups it’s like someone’s drowning in sorrow and they can’t see anything good they think oh he or she’s doing so well without me have they got a place for me you know um wow thought someone’s overwhelmed with emotion with feelings it’s just you
Know they can’t seem to come to their senses you know because like I said something is is clouding their judgment there is a lot of clums in this reading so there definitely no doubt in my mind that someone here is codependent on alcohol someone is letting their life
Pass them by they’re not acknowledging their surroundings they can’t see anything good okay they either feel left out in the cold or they’re afraid of being left out in the cold there is genuine remorse here there’s genuine regret it could be the fact that an alcohol dependency got
In the way of somebody’s relationship a connection U maybe a third party situation um tell them more they could be trying to send you a message trying to reach out to you on the 5D tell me more about the five of cups tell me more about this Five of Cups okay what was
That that wanted to jump out there tell more about this Five of Cups any on this five of cups for Capricorn okay so you could be dealing with someone that’s sort of In and Out In and Out in and out um they could have matured into this king of Wands or there
Could be a new person coming in they could have communication problems block throat chakra there’s so much that they want to say but they can’t get their words out um so KN of Wands so you could be dealing with Aries Leo Sagittarius passionate fiery Big on traveling Maybe somebody’s sad because
Somebody’s overseas in another country and they can’t come back to travel to you until this lockdown has been lifted now with the KN of Wands he can be in and out bit of a player I definitely feel it could be a new person coming in or it’s the same
Person you know someone could have driven someone to drink to block out pain here that’s what I feel yeah someone is really sort of there’s strength testing going on showing their resilience it could be you Capricorn you you keep going you don’t give up you know Capricorns keep going no matter
What even if they’re out in the cold they’re poor they’re starving you know they keep going they persever like I said someone here is really showing their resilience here yeah um somebody’s definitely overwhelmed of their feelings for someone okay tell me more about this Knight of Wands who’s this Knight of
Wands coming in for cicor o oh what we got couldn’t pick you up then okay three of Pentacles it’s like someone knows that someone makes a great team but because they’re so their head isn’t sober at the moment if you know what I mean it’s like they can’t see
Straight um they could be com to their senses maybe this new person might be a bit more better for you you know um this person realizes your potential um you know maybe this person realizes this relationship’s got a potential to go somewhere to Blossom um you know and three of
Pentacles is about teamwork and building and growing and manifesting some of you could be getting married getting engaged having a baby you know there’s going to be success here wish show why you look at it with the six of Wands and the four of Wands yeah um someone ‘s sad I feel
Someone’s missing something or someone also this person sees you as we make a great team we are a power couple we are strong We Stand United could be going into business with someone maybe you’ve got a business proposition or business opportunity with this three of Pentacles someone sees you
As a work of art you know they want to build something with you could be quite spiritual tell me more about this three of Pentacles and this KN of Wands they could be around a third person that drinks a lot yes there’s a lot of fear here wow okay the
Moon it’s like someone might have come out of the shadows and told you how they feel you know seen they’ve seen past this illusion this fear they’ve got a grasp on reality or they are going to get a grasp on reality get their head straight sober up you know and realize
This potential you know okay definitely more than one person in this reading more than one energy definitely maybe you’re more strong when you’re together they need you you are their strength you are each other’s strengths you help build each other up teamwork you know maybe you’re both frightened to reach out because you’re
Both afraid that you’re both going to be left out in the cold rejected told to go away you know okay tell me more about this Moon card could be third party situation okay someone’s definitely shut off and closed of their feelings they’re being deceptive keeping someone in the dark but on the other
Hand someone could have come in and told someone how they feel and you don’t know what to do with it maybe they W for your answer now with this Moon I definitely feel someone is afraid to reach out to someone because they’re afraid of being left out in the cold and
Rejected or or they’re afraid that someone’s got someone else cuz there’s one night and there’s one king there’s two energies you could be dealing with two fire signs an old person and a new person someone that’s more stable and secure and sober you know and someone that is still trying to make a
Decision he takes his time King Of Wands making decisions he he takes his time you know so someone is caught in some sort of like I said you might want not want to deal with a player anymore sort of In and Out In and Out in and out
Um maybe you want to deal with someone new maybe you’re asking for someone new you know any on the moon tell more tell more about this Moon and this Knight of Wands yep as I said wh 10 of Wands page of Wands and the Moon Yeah someone feels that
You have got someone else that you you know another commitment and that’s why they’re not reaching out I feel that someone’s carrying around all these love all this all this love all this passion you know all these feelings and they don’t know what to do with it you know
Someone here is just sitting and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking they’re overthinking the situation too much page of Wands uh Leo Aries Sagittarius again someone that likes to travel between Realms backwards and forwards um also this is the bringer of news communication message should I
Reach out shouldn’t I should I walk away shouldn’t I you know they just they overthink too much and that’s what causes all this all this stress burdens they overwork they’re over stressed illusion fear Panic you know they can’t seem to get a grasp on reality something’s clouding their judgment heavy alcohol problems
Here some are here is it’s like there there’s a cry for help sort of um vibe that I get here yeah somebody won’t act on their feelings because they’re afraid that someone’s got someone else someone is persevering someone isn’t persevering this moon someone is afraid look to be left out in the
Cold yeah they’re just thinking thinking thinking thinking they just won’t take any action they won’t communicate yeah maybe it’s all that alcohol that’s clouding their judgment or the fear that someone is in another relation relationship someone’s got someone else they’re in another commitment yeah there’s so much illusion it’s like
Someone can’t seem to step out of their Shadow Self is consuming them all this fear all this doubt subconscious fears you know between what’s real and what isn’t you know cuz they’re so you know it’s like someone’s Drunk on Love but this this alcohol addiction that they’ve got
It really affects the way they think it affects their judgment they can’t see straight you know they can’t seem to get a grasp on reality here yeah they’re carrying around so many burdens and you know all this love and you know all these all these feelings but they don’t know what to do
With it because all this person does is overthink you know the situation if they could just sober their head up a bit you know then they’ll be able to make a conscious decision yeah they can’t make a conscious decision at the moment you Capricorn I feel that you’re really sort
Of persevering you know you could be manifesting your dreams your heart’s desires your passions you could be feeling content you know building for yourself look could be building business opportunities going into business with someone you know two of Cups so maybe you’ve got a new person coming in or
This person will sober up kick this alcohol dependency make a conscious decision and start this new relationship two of Cups got Leo cancer Pisces Scorpio some of you definitely going to be reconciling with someone or like I said this could be the same person okay or there’s a new person
Coming in to offer you love passion you know intimacy realness engagement marriage yeah someone here that’s got a lot of passion for you you know two of Cups Union Love We Are One Look United yeah someone’s craving intimacy love passion you know just being with someone just being in someone’s
Company there’s a lot of craving going on okay tell me about this two of cups with a lot of you there is going to be a successful relationship whether it’s an old person or a new person um I feel that you’ve known each other quite
A while if it is a person coming back because this strength card it tells me that you you have a strong powerful bond with someone and they’ve had feelings for you for a long time because this infinity symbol it tells me their feelings are Eternal it’s a forever
Thing twin flames We Stand United We are the same person we are equal we drink from the same cup we belong together right we’re in this together we can build we can manifest build each other up you are each other’s strengths it’s got the potential to Blossom you know commitment look this other
Person it’s like they’re just drowning in sorrow yeah I feel like someone’s worst spere has come true that someone’s gone to someone else tell me more about this two of Cups please Whoa okay tell me about this two of cups for Capricorn someone’s definitely going to seize the day here seize the moment you know relight the spark someone’s coming in with this sort of commitment you know this sort of you know wand someone’s very creative and they want to give birth to new ideas
Here um so yeah someone’s definitely someone better I’d say is coming in here with this Ace of Wands I really feel that you’re going to build something with someone um it could be just a maybe maybe it’s just sexual I’m not sure um obviously I don’t know what’s going on
You know internally as in I don’t live with you um but it might be a sexual thing cuz this KN of Wands he can be quite in and out a bit of a player um then you’ve got the king of Wands there someone here feels very INSP inspired
Very highly driven this is about willpower like I said there’s a lot of strength you know in this connection that you’ve got here with this water sign or this fire sign you know and you know wanting this new start this New Beginning there you know someone here is very passionate about a
Connection with someone you know it’s really got a lot of potential to grow to Blossom you know I feel that you’re more powerful when you’re together Ace of Wands new start looking at things from a different perspective relight the spark okay so I do feel someone’s coming
In with this sort of Truth you know someone might want to you know let their guard down maybe they don’t want to feel left out in the cold anymore they don’t want to keep you in the dark about their feelings anymore let their guard down change direction um you know they could
Be guarded with their feelings but I feel that someone is letting their guard down and getting ready to communicate with you they could be watching your social media you know keeping an eye on you to see if you’re with anyone yeah maybe in the past they were quite sharp
And cut frat with their words you know guarded you know someone here is going to fight for you know what they believe in they’re going to stand their ground you know they’re going to fight for you fight for this connection whether there’s opponents whether there’s other people around them I don’t think that’s
Going to bother them they’ve got this sort of passion in them this sort of sense of adventure this fighting Spirit you know they’re coming in look to give you this this wand this passion this new beginning you know um whether you accept it that’s very much your choice old
Person new person seven of Wands standing your ground setting boundar is look yeah also in the past maybe somebody didn’t want to reach out they hid their feelings had their guard up um because they thought you’re involved with someone or you’re still involved with someone you know but they’re still
Full of passion and affection for you they want a new relationship with you so you could be making a decision between someone old and someone new seven of Wands yeah someone’s very daring like I said they’re going to fight for you so there could be a bit of
Drama yeah this person um is quite fiery they fight for what they believe in yeah moral values what’s fair you know creative ideas look they’re going to make you a proposal are you going to accept yeah okay more about the seven of Wands that the there’s a house across
The road from me right they’re so annoying every weekend they get rid of their children dump the children off to the grandparents so that they can have a street party yeah I can understand um people they want to support the energy say thank you you know put some
Happiness into the air but at the end of the day you’re not supposed to be going next to people chatting visiting people you know social Gatherings they’re going to extend the lockdown even more you know because people keep breaking the rules and the regulations by going next to people visiting people it’s like
People don’t care it’s like we’re never going to see our family or loved ones again because of people’s stupidity do you see what I mean you know they do it every Sunday you know I even think I did a reading once and you guys heard the loud
Music coming from one of the houses across the road because he works for the NHS this man over there you know with his girlfriend and his two children you know every Sunday he does it for 4 hours straight loud blaring music everyone comes out in the street
Sits on the pavement they’ve got wine they’re drinking and I’m thinking what exactly are we celebrating people dying like they just got no consideration honestly they’ve got no considerations my neighbors are absolutely awful they’re so unfriendly they’re so miserable you know I Oh I thought we’re going to be knck down
Forever because of people like that 4 hours straight you know what about elderly people how do they take that noise that loud music playing 4 hours you know I’m surprised you know that my mom didn’t go there and say something but I suppose she just doesn’t want to get
Into it with people you know but it’s just not fair people don’t have any consideration you know people around here they love it loud music drinking partying they just honestly no consideration whatsoever okay so as I said old person new person person Capricorn there is definitely a water sign who is very
Emotional coming back from your past could have the traits of a fire sign could have the traits of an air sign um and there’s definitely going to be a choice between an old person and a new person okay um so whether you want to pick the old person from the past or
This new person you know um also the could be someone coming back from the past that wants a new relationship with you such as a water sign could be someone that you’ve known before adolescence could be someone that you’ve known since you were a teenager since
You was a kid there is strong level of nostalgia here someone misses you happy memories the days gone by um you know and just wanting to put things right apologize maybe give you a gift you know so there is definitely um maybe you can feel it you
Know that you’re going to have to make a choice between two people there’s quite a few love offers coming in here for you Capricorn okay someone from the past and someone new it could be the same person um but whatever you choose that’s very much up to you okay someone’s definitely coming back
Cuz they want to heal a connection with you you know put things right they’re very hopeful and they have every Faith as I said there’s quite a few energies you know you could have a fire sign coming in to offer you commitment um you know they’re thinking
About it the the best way to reach out okay could be all be the same person you know this person sees you as a wish fulfillment they see you as a guide you inspire that you inspire them you motivate them you know you are their strength maybe they had to go through
Cycles look heal yeah they want to come back and put things right for you heal the connection um you know maybe this person was confused in the past about their feelings about their sexuality um but they’re definitely had a wakeup call yeah in the past some sort of real
Reality check some sort of wakeup call um they could have gone through some sort of transition so maybe they’ve transitioned into someone that was alcohol dependent into someone that’s more mature and stable you know and open and honest and playy sort of thing um you know so we got the tower so yes
There’s destruction going on and Chaos going on in the world you know this person could be creating this in their head yeah you know that that everything is false nothing is real there’s illusion here there’s chaos destruction going on in their head mental conflict you know but T moments they need to
Happen because it puts things in perspective it puts you on the right path you know it opens up your eyes to you know you have a wakeup call to remove yourself from the things that aren’t good that are toxic right also you know like I said spiritual awakening Ascension Spiritual
Development yeah to moments they need to happen they need to it it puts you you know on the right path where you’re supposed to go okay anyone want to come out for Capricorn they definitely want to sort things out with you peaceful resolution that’s what I keep hearing yeah okay any more for
Capricorn it’s like they’re finding a way to communicate towards you to come back creative sort of strategy the correct way to approach you yeah okay what was that okay thought that one wanted to come out yeah so they’re definitely making a judgment call look at the bottom of the deck
See um which is all about transition changes Spiritual Awakening you know Souls Reawakening you know being reborn someone who’s very spiritual divine intervention there Archangel Gabriel real look um making an announcement speaking their truth you know Reviving a connection from the past look yeah a rebirth of something Reviving something’s been reborn it’s
Like someone’s rising out of the ashes yeah making a choice making a decision making a judgment call maybe in the past they misjudged the situation you know maybe somebody wasn’t sober miscommunication but this time around they’re going to put things right you know they want to heal the
Connection but they need to learn forgiveness and self Lov here they need to forgive themsel as well for any past hurts or mistakes or wrongs that they did and someone is definitely coming back to fight for someone here as well as I said passionate fiery sense of adventure fighting Spirit okay someone
Here definitely wants um this two of cups with someone and I feel they’re going to fight and fight and fight for this connection to make the correct judgment call here see past this fear get a grasp on reality sober up for this beautiful new relationship okay as I said correct
Judgment call yeah just been a very powerful reading today Capricorn okay so I hope it resonated I hope it helped hope it was insightful let me know in the comment section if you’re new give me a like give me a subscribe Jo Channel if you need to know
Anything give me an email and I’ll get back to as soon as I can and I’ll see you again real real soon Capricorn for some more readings sending you all so much love and peace and blessings