Hey hey hey guys how are you uh let me know if you can hear me okay and always tell me if I’m shouting CU I never know for sure I only use my computer microphone and uh I can never quite tell what’s going on I need to mute that now for some
Reason oh here we go default view there we go right oh gosh I’ve put together a little hey batet crazy hi rondi welcome I’m so so sorry I’ve been so absent um I have been well I’ll just tell you in a nutshell I was looking forward to
2024 because 2023 was a challenge and from New Year’s day it’s been well it sucked frankly um I’m smiling but you know I I put in my community tab that my brother’s really poorly in hospital um I’m having to drive my ex around to his jobs won’t go into that um
And it’s just been kind of crazy to the point I haven’t really been able to work as my day is so manic with school runs and swimming and football and um driving around the county and now fitting in hospital visits um so yeah I’m I’m so glad that
You’re here and thank you for being here and I’m glad I made it so um tonight’s live I’ve I’ve been kind of oh thank you B she crazy I know it is it is I’ve just oh and then and then we had that storm we had a massive storm to the point you
Know I’m not particularly religious but I was praying hard I thought my roof was going to blow off and my internet was going in and out and dropping and um we had a whole day where it didn’t exist at all oh God I’m look so now I’ve
Forgotten about New Year I’m going to look forward to the spring Spring New Beginnings so that’s where I’m aiming for now um but yeah so welcome welcome I hope to do more hope being the operative word I don’t know what is around the corner ever like none of us uh or like
All of us I should say um but in between you know my relaxation when I’ve managed to get home I mean a lot of nights I’m not home till 8:00 um p.m. I’ve been digging in and out trying to catch up trying to keep up and then I
Thought you know I’m just going to leave the documents to other people I’m going to you know I follow Jules for that and harsh and other channels um dinky I still have to C catch up on dinky’s channel because they’re lives they’re they’re so long and then I tend to put
My TV on sort of I get into bed put the TV on and with within kind of 10 minutes I’m asleep so i’ got loads to catch up on but I did do some digging that I wanted to do for a while now this is really interesting because I started
Doing a little bit of digging way back and it came to nothing um and I could see that bubbly Waters has been digging in the same direction hello Fallon welcome please do hit the like it’s completely free um or the dislike whatever you like but it’d be great to have some some uh
Viewers because this is quite interesting um I did some digging and bubbly water as I can see has been digging in the same direction now it was probably two or three months ago if you know me and my channel you’ll know that I’ve never really been happy with this
330 a.m. venmo now listen I have to do the disclaimer this is all my own thoughts opinions I’m just theorizing um you know I’m just discussing the things that are red flags to me there might be nothing in this whatsoever this is purely coincidence um it could be completely
Innocent but you know what it’s like the more you dig hey JD welcome uh Bianca I so good to see you guys um so so I started digging into Molly G and the K family the katovich family now um I did a whole video on those pesky vmos because they’ve never
Sat right with me this 33 that’s the just the time 3:30 3:30 has played a big role in this case now we’ve got suspect vehicle one um first entering the King Road area at 3:29 um we’ve got that car circling until after the door Dash has left there’s something that doesn’t sit
Right with me with that Hi Hope Floats Jackie welcome everyone um so I just can’t you know there’s some things I’m sure you’ve all got your own um in fact there’s a ton for me where I can’t shift the the way of things thinking I can’t sit comfortably with this
Venmo you know if it all boils down to the do we believe in coincidences so we’ve got this 330 VMO I put together um a kind of screenshot a sort of mini video where I’ll sort of talk over the top of it this is why I can’t tell you
How close I was to having to say guys I’m gonna have to try and schedule this for another night because my computer keeps crashing but I it finally behaved it behaved oh I can’t wait for the day where I can upgrade honestly so I’m going to put together I’m going to just
Spend another couple of minutes chatting um but you’ve got the idea of what um tonight’s live is about I’m going to try and structure the lives a bit more um so that we talk about specific things um it’s great to have you know random chats and general chats about the case and
Other things but you know it’ be really great to just talk about the things that are on our minds you know what we what we I I use the term bug bear what are bug bears are and someone laughed at me in one of my videos and said what the
Hell is a bug bear and it’s like my gripe you know the the red flags the things that are irritating me um and I think you know at the end of this video by the end of this video I want us to really look at suspect coburger versus other possible suspects and the
The EV you know if you were to look at motive evidence the things we know versus what they’ve got on coburger I mean for me he’s way down on the list you know coburger you all know how I feel I’m sure that if they come out with a Smoking
Gun I will be genuinely grateful that they got the right guy I’d be like why the hell did you keep all this quiet for so long um but they have kept an awful lot quiet and from what we’ve known so far you know what we’ve been given so
Far uh he’s down on way down on my list of suspects to be honest with you and the I’ve said it before the car was the thing for me if there’s stuff in that car there’s DNA in that car or it’s apartment or his parents home then hallelujah they got the right
Guy it’s none of that it’s just mainstream media plugging BS in my opinion um so yeah I just don’t um you know I don’t buy what they’re feeding us to be honest and then you know you start looking at the bigger picture the the relationship between the University of
Idaho and the cops they are so close it and it got me to got me thinking about Greek life and then Freemasonry as well I feel like you know Freemasonry is massive in the UK I I assume you guys have got it over there um I just feel that they get
They’ve got each other’s backs and there’s some big players in this and and the more I dug into the players in the venmo situation hey dinky dink’s changing his Duo cover guys yes he is he forgot he strip the bed but good to see you dinky my buddy um thank you for for
Coming so right um I’m going to crack on because I can’t be too late I I’ll be driving for hours tomorrow again so I’m going to try my best I’m going to get rid of my face and I’m going to kind I I haven’t haven’t done this before I
Haven’t sort of shared a sort of um a screen a sort of screen show that I’ve put together so let’s just hope and pray this is going to work so of course I’m starting off with the venmo so I’m hoping that I can pause as I go along um
So let’s see let’s see if I can get this uh sorted oh yeah look at that okay I see can you all just let me know you can hear me still can you hear me hello hello only because I can’t see my face pulsating in the middle of the
Screen so I just need someone to do a thumbs up that you can hear me and then I will play this thanks stinky brilliant right so here we are we know um now again I’m going to put a disclaimer in I’m going to cover my ass this is just discussion
I am accusing nobody of anything um this is all based on the players in the Veno payments and the behavior at the grub truck now Molly Gray paid Liz katovich a venmo payment going play that I hope it works oh hang on now let me sorry you’re gonna
Have to bear with me here how do I right there we go okay so I’m going to pause it there this was November the 12th at 3:45 p.m. now I assume that’s the Moscow Idaho time 3:30 a.m. this is again the question do we believe in coincidences okay not only
That but Liz kovic’s brother Jack katovich received the last ever Veno payment from Jack uh from I think Jack sent it to Ethan now I’m it was around the 1140 p.m Mark um now I don’t know if the person I don’t quite know how venmo works I don’t know
Whether um say this person who posted it Lee murf whether it shows her time zone or if it shows the Moscow Idaho time zone but either way this particular venmo is November the 12th um very close to murders captured 3:30 a.m. Jack kovic sent Ethan the last ever venmo that Ethan received certainly
The night I say the night of the murders obviously they happened in the early hours we think um you know the following day so it’s on that borderline um so we’ve got a brother and sister sending this uh well not sending this group but we’ve got Molly and Liz captioning 330
And then we’ve got Liz’s brother sending Ethan his last ever VMO um now like it says here could be nothing but could be something now as I’m just going to keep playing I can’t see when it goes onto the onto the next screen but 3:30 of course is when suspect vehicle
One um first enters the area 3:29 a.m. now according to the PCA suspect vehicle one enters the King Road area at 329 however if you watch geta clues video and if you haven’t watched it please go and watch it about the Chrysler um I see it clearly you know there’s a
Lot of stuff going around about Linda Lane but I see it really clearly that that is not an Elantra at 3:30 a.m. that drives into the Linder Lane area it is according to getto clue it’s a Chrysler 300 but I can certainly see it its windows are completely different they’re
Squared off so we’ve got a different car in that area driving around Linder Lane at 3:30 it comes back I believe around 3:39 and makes yet another pass through Linder Lane before 4:00 and then at 4:05 a.m. we’ve got what looks much more like an
Elantra that is the first time we see a car that resembles an Elantra and that’s 405 now if we’re to believe Dylan’s statements and the timings you know she’s already heard Kaylee playing with Murphy upstairs or what she thinks is Kaylee playing um with Murphy so
Already the timeline for me is all over the place and it’s a different car you know the PCA says that this suspect vehicle makes three passes the Isler makes three passes and we’ve got this venmo caption 330 and we have got a venmo that first comes into the Linder Lane area at
3:30 again do we believe in coincidences this is all my own thoughts theories speculations all the stuff that doesn’t sit right with me and everything I’m showing here is in the public domain this is all public so you know I’m not doxing anybody um and as Fallon Fallon
You’re right jack then made a six uh dollar payment to Ethan’s memorial fund he was the first one to pay it and also we’ll get on to Jack but he liked that weird picture um of those like uh frat brothers with those weird metal masks on holding KB KB [ย __ย ] Kars that says
Eliminate the weakest person in the room or something like that Jack like that and on I think it’s the 15th of November um this I believe it’s the same social media page that this Kar scenario is on this bunch of lads say best weekend ever on the 15th of November
When we’ve got two sorority sisters three sorority sisters sorry and a fraternity brother brutally slain in their beds that was the 13th on the 15th Jack kovic likes this comment best weekend ever you know at the very least it’s a lack of empathy sympathy isn’t it it’s just like
Oh so glad you had a great weekend by the way you know don’t know if you guys were around did you catch what happened in Moscow just bizarre to me bizarre so um here we have Molly now she is I don’t know if you can see that but
Anyway she’s the one with the white top white jeans on and the long brown hair that is Molly Gray and this post as you can see is on kayle’s Instagram page is still up there it’s 29th of October 2021 Molly Gray’s comment is couldn’t be happier and then two sobbing faces but I
Didn’t know how to put my Emojis on I love you all that was her comment okay and you can see there Kaylee says added the cutest addition to the fam last night tags Molly graay thanks for making me a grammar So Not only was Molly a sorority sister to Kaye she was
Kayle’s little I’ve discussed it before but you know a lot of people think oh well they were sorority sisters at Alpha fi it was more than that they were family you know the the sorority life they were family which you know I’m going to press
Play again and see how it goes I don’t quite know how this is going to plan out which just makes the grub truck situation more sus because you know if you just got two sorority both of them Liz K and Molly G are both Alpha and here we are at the grub truck
You can see Kaylee there looking at her phone you can see number nine now I’ve I’m just going to pause that for a sec number nine here I always always thought it was Jack katovich um one of my subscribers emailed me and said it’s not it’s somebody called Colby I think it’s
Colby I’m sorry I can’t remember off the top of my head hi Jackie welcome um and it I have to say it looks really I looked in it he really looks like Colby this Colby has got the girlfriend that is the girl with she’s with a girl
With the red ruck sack I’m not playing the whole grub truck thing here so I think it might not be Jack catovic and I also thought who was with Molly was Liz but it’s I don’t think it is bubbly Waters called her someone else and I looked her up and they look
So similar so I’m really confused now I don’t know if Liz and Jack were actually at the grub truck and I was convinced they were but 100% Molly is here um and you see the the lady down I’m saying lady because they’re adults I’m sticking with that with the black
Hoodie and the hair parted down the middle now according to Bubbly Waters that is Ashley couch now I can’t confirm that either way but interesting if it is her because she doesn’t acknowledge Kaye and Maddie either so again I’m just recapping here just want you to watch
This the the most important thing to me is how this girl comes in ahead of Molly Gray and her group goes straight to Kaye puts her arm around her while the others walk in behind so here we are here she come straight for Kaylee how did she know where she
Was how did she know where she was I’m going to do do that again now prior to this I didn’t want to put it all on here cuz I’ve done a whole video on this the two girls one with the short girl with a red rock sack and I think the girlfriend
Of number nine they go up to talk to the lads and then they vanish and then Molly Gray and her group walk in it’s almost like they’ve I I just feel it’s almost like they they’ve gone to tell them you know that this is you know
Kayle’s there and I feel I don’t know what you guys think I feel like this girl marching in straight to Kaye is shielding her from the gang that walks in behind so here we go and look they’re all interested Joe’s interested they’re seeing who’s arriving here we are look straight for
Her straight for her she has made a bee line for Kaye and she is with this group coming in behind now the one this one here um not the one in the beig shirt that’s the one I thought was Liz K but I don’t think it is it’s another close friend the one
Behind um like a blue hoodie light jeans ripped jeans and white trainers that is Def I know that’s Molly Gray so considering she was um Kaylee’s little completely ignored and again I haven’t played I’m not playing the whole grub truck thing but Maddie is very
Aware of what they do so we’ve still got the de the diversion chatting to Kaylee while the others come in look so they go in this does look at the front here like Ashley Couch’s boyfriend as well with the um baseball cap on so we’ve got number nine talking to Maddie and of
Course we both we all know that he does the sort of sleep gesture so so is that ashleen couch and her boyfriend walking behind now watch this girl here with the bag she does actually whisper to Molly they’re looking over and pointing and all the way through the grub truck video from this
Point Haley and Maddie leave they are aware they are completely aware it’s really um interesting to watch so if it was just a venmo payment caption 330 that could be oh it still could be completely Innocent but I find the behavior at the grub truck very odd considering Molly was kayle’s little not
Even a hello so I just want to show you now because that wasn’t Liz I don’t think at the grub truck um they are incred Molly Gray and Liz katovich are incredibly close so this is on um Liz kovic’s um Tik tock is there they are so that’s Molly and
Liz there very very close always on each other’s Instagram post Liz Molly and there they are very very close friends and Also so that one that’s smly on the left again I don’t know who that is on the right but um very very close friends and both Alpha fi now I yeah exactly they all look so similar and that is something I want to discuss as well as we go on is
Why how were if the girls were the targets at 1122 King Road what made them stand out because as you go through alphi all the sororities they are all beautiful girls they’re all wealthy and where is the cultural diversity at this University that has stuck out to me from
The beginning it’s just not there this is I’m sorry to say wealthy and Beautiful so there they are that’s Liz and Molly now bubbly did a great video I’d already looked into a little bit about Molly’s family very very wealthy and so is Liz’s family very very wealthy Molly’s family are Knife River her father I think is the CEO of Knife River
Ringing the stock exchange Bell I definitely recommend you go over to um bubbly’s Channel just to watch well obviously watch what you want but particularly to watch the video on you know the kind of people that we are the level of wealth I should say that we’re dealing
With so this is why this one the bottom middle photo is Molly and Liz again now they crop up all the time with alphi um uh marketing when the Mur has happened these two were on the alpha I suppose what would you call it the committee or the board
Um you know they were really Executives of alpha fight and you know Liz katovich hasn’t got much on her Tik Tok but my God it’s plugging sorority life massively um they are The Darlings of alpha fi without a doubt but look at the girls that are in this
Sorority you know how were the girls the only thing that would separate the girls at King Road is character is personality um I mean this University is jam-packed full of beautiful girls so if Brian was the stalker what made them stand out um rock Chalk great to see you much
Love to you too girl um so yeah you know you can just see I just this is just a snap shot and this is interesting um it might still be up but I can’t find it Alpha Fire um U ofi had its own web page
And it is just like some sort of model show you know they’re all just posing they all see remember that picture of s in a field holding flowers they’ve all done that they’ve all it’s all posing it’s all just you know you must Aspire you know to be like us in life
And you know look at the girl in the center there I see Maddie you know to the girl to the right I all the left I could see Kaye you know I could see Zanna bottom right bottom left it’s you know the girl in the pink hat could be
Zanna what made the 1122 King Road House stand out and I personally don’t believe it looks that someone had a crush on those girls in particular it has to be something else for me it has to be just keep playing now see I can’t remember what comes next let’s
See uh let’s have a look right so this is just another video with Molly and Liz outside Alpha fi Alpha F I mean they live for this sorority I’m telling you [Laughter] Now so we got Molly and Liz in that video as well and you’re right it is like Stepford it’s I’ll be honest with you I find it a little bit sickening it’s a bit vulgar it’s a little bit you know like I said before where is
The cultural diversity I can’t see it it just doesn’t seem to exist at this University and if it does I don’t see them in the uh Greek life I don’t see them there um very rich very beautiful very white in my opinion so this is Molly and again
Best buddies roomies I can see that on lizz’s um Tik Tok page that they are now roommates I mean they’re even plugging you know what mascara we all wear and these are our drinking cups and these are this is the shampoo that us sorority sisters use and oh it’s just marketing
Marketing marketing and the other interesting thing I said it in a video These two never attribute never a thing on on their social media about um Kaye you know having being a sorority sister of course Santa and Maddie were in is it Pi beer Pi I’m sorry if I’ve got that
Wrong um and we’ll get on to an interesting fact about these two sororities in the SEC so here we have the interesting fact now you guys might already know this but the two sororities to which three of the slain students are undis linary at the
Time of the murders so as I just said Kaye was part of alpha five while Zanna and Maddie were Pi beta of 10 sororities recognized by the University of Idaho Alpha and Pi bety are the only two listed as on probation for health and safety reasons which refers to violations or concerns
Regarding risk management alcohol drugs or hazing so um not only that alphi is also on a restorative plan with the National Organization uh P pi b toi on the other hand is in good standing with the headquarters so Alpha fi is in deep trouble there you know they they’re
Finding a way to kind of bring this sorority back up to scratch um I would love to know what went on for this sorority at U ofi to be not only on probation but having to have like this restorative plan to get them back up to you know the standards that the
University and the national headquarters require so I find that really interesting and also what’s interesting is that neither of the chapters wanted to comment um neither did the University want to comment but it looks like eventually Pi bet F’s headquarters told Fox News digital that kodal and Mogan were close friends of
Our members at the Idaho Alpha chapter at the University of Idaho I just find that really interesting that these two sororities um you know are in trouble for hazing alcohol and drugs so uh let’s let’s see what slide I’ve put up next I have I think Daddy K we’re getting to that now
Mickey daddy K is coming up I think the fact that two of them are katavic gives you a clue so here we are as um as we discussed earlier Jack was the first one to make a donation to this was Ethan’s GoFundMe $6 what a bizarre amount $6 now according to Bubbly Waters
She said all of them made a donation for $6 now I I haven’t seen that I can’t verify that and I haven’t verified that but um that’s a POS possibility if bubbly has odd amount right so here I wanted just to show you that I’m talking
About this guy here on the right daddy K there he is mim mares daddy K is Paul katovich he is Jack and lizz’s father and as you can see here there’s an article that says at the end of the first paragraph he runs this um this you know
God I don’t know how millions or billions in a huge organization he is the CEO I think it’s I I’ll tell you in a minute Highline Highline gray grainers anyway I’ll tell you now so interesting there he grew up um in Idaho he didn’t take any agricultural courses he earned
His bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Idaho okay so he’s big big player in the grain industry thank you Fallon seven billion doll company now again I you know go and check out bubbly’s video on wly Gray her daddy is Knife River CEO
And that will be billions too um so just so you can see there’s Jack and Liz with their parents you know just kind of alongside a helicopter that they’re about to either get into or they’ve just got out of so he daddy Kay um graduated from the University of hiy
Hyo Hyo anyway it gets more interesting now um not only did he graduate from the University of Idaho but he was also Sigma Kai Jack katovich is also Sigma Kai and Ethan was Sigma Kai I don’t know anything about Mom I’m afraid I haven’t looked into her so that
Is the family now we look at lizz’s LinkedIn page this is their daughter that we’ve just been talking about look at her experience she is a scale girl H like there there it is Highline grain Growers ink so she works for Daddy um I’m not sure I think when the murders happened
She was a fresh so that was 22 34 I reckon this is her final year so I think she’s probably you know got this as experience because she probably helps out and learns alongside Dad hi am amican princess great to see you so just to show you that I’ve got
This company Highline grain Growers it is most definitely their father um more is also I think involved in her dad’s business uh Brian Gray his name is um she’s there when he’s ringing the bell at the stock exchange um yeah it’s all very very wealthy and not only is it wealthy there
He is top left Daddy K so CEO of a multi-billion pound organization who graduated from the University of Idaho whose daughter exchanged a venmo payment captioned 3:30 a.m. the afternoon before the murders and it gets better we’ve got a boom moment now for me it was BL here we
Are now I I looked up um katavich University of Idaho and I looked up Highline grain Growers and University of Idaho and this came up on Highline grain Growers own website so as I said it is completely public information but look at this published October the 12th 2022 University of Idaho’s College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences is set to receive up to just I say 55 because I can’t see it 55 million ion dollar the largest award in the University’s history to help Idaho farmers and ranchers combat climate climate change through agricultural practices this award from the US Department of Agriculture is twice as
Large as any prior University of Idaho Grant in addition to supporting research on building cropping systems that are more more resilient to climate change the fiveyear grant stimulates the state’s economy by paying more than half of the funds directly to Idaho agricultural producers while this is a Monumental
Achievement for our University the big Winners will be Idaho farmers and ranchers who are willing to try new approaches to producing food with the goal of making their operations more more sustainable and protecting the environment said Christopher namura I think University of Idaho vice president of research and economic um development
Hello Lisa good to see you so a month before the victims were slain the University of Idaho received a $ 55 million Grant and this grant is published on Highline grain Growers website why would Paul katovich the CEO of Highline gra grain Growers and his company be publishing this this farming
Grant basically linked to the university on their website site if they were not involved they are definitely I think in my opinion behind or certainly behind a lot of this massive funds huge funds this was my boom moment where I thought because I can’t help and again this is all my thoughts and
Speculations I cannot help but think that we’ve got you know backhanders and back rubbers and hand shakers and people who will protect each other no matter what especially those who provide this level of Finance to a university and I think it’s just this was massively interesting to
Me and now I think the next slide we will see here we are I’m going to pause it there this is taking place 13th 1113 2024 so Idaho Sigma Kai Centennial reunion brothers please join us for the 100th anniversary celebration of Sigma Kai at the University of Idaho on October 11 to 13
2024 coming up this year over the past 100 years Sigma Kai has grown from a small local named fi ala s s to a chapter with almost 2,000 initiates our centennial celebration will include social time a golf tournament events for families and updates on chapter house projects contact any of the planning committee
Members for more information and let’s see who the committee members are there he is Paul katovich so he is still there as part of the sigma Kai chapter so his company his multi-billion dollar company is linked to a 5 $5 million Grant and he’s still on the commit he’s on the
Committee of Sigma Kai um as you say American princess so here we are you can see what sort of event we’ve got we’ve got Friday October the 11th checkin opening reception Saturday October the 12th pledge class Breakfast Brunch golf tournament or local service project and then they’ve got the banquet and the
Ball and then on Sunday October 13th ritual exemplification whatever that may be I’d be very interested to see what that would be hi Carrie Louise good to see you um he’s a big player daddy cat is there smack bang in the middle of this University and in my opinion
Instrumental in funding that University $55 million very very very very very interesting to me so there we are they’ve got this event Paul daddy K on the committee high up at Sigma Kai now at this next clip I wanted to show you how linked law enforcement are I think you all know
Anyway how linked they are with the university I mean they are just rubbing each other’s backs you go over to their Facebook page I always keep an eye on the city of mpd’s Facebook page they seem to be playing around most of the time to be honest I think at the moment
They they’ve had um t a tire slashing problem they’ve had a Christmas elf you know that’s turned up at the University oh they’ve had some fun they really do but look at them there’s Scott green this was 20 this was November 20 23 um and we got Scott
Green University of Idaho and law enforcement are joined at the hip we are proud to serve the University of Idaho and vandals I’m just thinking this smacks of Freemasonry fraternities sororities The Untouchables The Untouchables now I’ve just added a couple um I think one more picture because so many people had said that
Rosendal had vanished isn’t it interesting they said that he has just disappeared off the face of the Earth no he hasn’t there he is now this was July of last year Gunderson and officer rosendal just something I found on the Facebook page this is a little
Aside they were rescuing a kitten from a a soda machine there he is he hasn’t gone anywhere but he’s very rarely and this this is what I find interesting this is the only photo it’s actually a video it’s the only one I can find of
Him but you know we all thought he just vanished straight after the murders well no he was around in the July after the murders at MPD but I cannot find him on their staff list anywhere and I cannot find him in any other uh video or photo no Staffing
List he’s not goog googleable he’s just not googleable um it’s like he’s again speculate you know just my thoughts flying under the radar but there he is that’s you know most of their Facebook page I’m not saying they’re not dealing with other things but it’s all this kind of stuff you know
Like oh luckily the kitten was fine you know it they rescued it from the Coke machine and it went back to its home thank goodness for that how I just get the impression looking at the Facebook page you know how did this Bunch ever managed to investigate a quadruple homicide hm I’m
Not sure they did at all now there’s an uh last photo this is um completely off the scale I just threw it in because um I keep meaning to and I keep forgetting and it’s got nothing to do with this at all but it’s something
That I sent before I had my channel I think it’s something that um I’d sent other creators and nobody ever really commented or anything but I want you guys to tell me what you think this is this is completely a random thing random thing I’m throwing in but
I’m just going to keep forgetting unless I um add it on here right on the wall in the background this was from um hey Missy moo thank you for joining us um I think that’s blood myself I really do and I think that’s why it’s kind of blurred
Out uh sorry this is completely nothing to do with my daddy K video but like I said I just keep forgetting to put it up um it’s it’s not outside the window it’s on the inside and it’s on the wall what do you guys think you know we’ve got FBI or whoever
It is in the jacket there Idaho State Police I’m not sure who that is we’ve got the branch outside the window we’ve got the window frame and then behind I can’t think what else that could be I really don’t know what else that could
Be so there there we have it C can you see it’s like Ry on the on the wall you see the window frame um it looks kind of like an e it’s like a blurry kind of circle with a line coming up and like a like a sort
Of Big Dot on the end of it can you See I don’t know if you can see it’s it’s pretty obvious to me it unless somebody yeah that’s what I think you see yeah under the leaves but it’s it’s goes behind the window frame in my opinion I just don’t think that is outside I think the the leaves
Are hey Carry yeah you see it dinky I I just don’t think it’s been this has been on my mind for ages from way back and I thought that looks like somebody can you see it kind it almost looks like part of a letter I mean I just don’t see how
Spatter could make that shape yeah exactly Ry hey Katie good to see you um now than is at the front of the house I’m trying to think I think it’s first floor if I remember because this was mainstream media filming um this is way back um you know
I screenshot that when it came out I was like what the hell is that on the wall it almost looks like a small e you know like you can sort of see where it starts off curls around and there’s like a it’s almost like a tail
That goes up with a a splodge at the end yeah I I think someone wrote something CU it looks like there’s a like a what’s the way to say it like a you said can you imagine if you were finishing off an e and it’s got a long tail and then like
A like a concentrated blot or a thing at the end like a almost like a full stop sort of thing but I just oh okay that’s interesting I can’t I’d have to This was um a screenshot from a video I’d have to go back it’s right back at the early footage and
Um I just just wonder is it natur has it naturally blurred is it I just think in all the photos we haven’t really seen any graffiti I mean it could be it could just be something Innocent but I just I know I I’ve got I’ve got red flags with
That I can’t think of it’s it doesn’t it’s yeah it looks sort of like it’s been sprayed do you think it doesn’t look like someone’s wiped it I think it’s a spray can can you can can you see the two dots at the bottom yes it is Lisa it’s the early um
Mainstream media footage and I did um a screenshot of the of that because I thought what the hell is that on the wall and I just think you see there’s like two blocks blobs and then a blob at the endend that sort of suggests like a spray
Can yeah it could be a hand print at the end there yeah I I think um you know when you start a spray you get a splodge don’t you and then you go around and I feel like it’s I think it’s started in the the middle splodge went round in a circle stopped
Sploded again and then went up through to the end to the end splodge and I I I it would make more sense to me that that is spray paint yeah could be could be B sheet crazy or the you know how it is you got
To shake the can and it kind of faded a bit but it looks like a I do wonder if there’s more to that if there’s if somebody sprayed something on the wall oh that’s interesting leita R hello I’m back I promise I’m going to try and
Dip in and out when I can I really am I’m so good to see you yeah I I either way I don’t feel it’s part of a picture I don’t feel that it’s something they had on their walls before I do wonder if somebody sprayed something on the walls I thought it was
Blood initially but now I really look at it I’m I’m thinking it’s spray paint I’m going to start yeah I think I’m going to start looking I’m going to start looking at the symbols and see what comes up um so there we are there’s my daddy K information which I find
Fascinating um the Boom for me was how much the university gained from Highline grain Growers or certainly a link with them I’m not saying they funded all the money but there’s only one reason that Paul katovich the CEO of Highline grain Growers has got this huge massive
Millions of pounds worth of Grant on his company’s page because they have got to be involved um again I’m not accusing anyone of anything I’m just looking into how big these players are you know when we say powerful parents I mean A7 billion turnover company I
Mean and Molly Gray’s father is the CEO of another billion billions of dollars you know turnover companies they’re huge that is the level of parent power we’ve got and not just parent power but fraternity power you know we can see Paul cat which is Sigma Kai he’s on the committee you know he’s
He graduated from the University and he is involved with somehow with funding the university with millions of dollars and not only the university as we saw you know Farmers Growers economy the equivalent of oil for University of Idaho for Idaho Farmers that power is immense and I personally believe my personal
Opinion as time has gone on is that this is a cover up this is a cover up to me um hi Holly Berry um thank you yeah I’m so happy to be back I really am um so yeah I was going to say I haven’t got too long but does
Anyone want to come up and have a chat about it anything that I’ve brought up um like I said excuse me I’ve said it before 3:30 I just don’t feel that this you know the car arrives at 3:30 this Chrysler goes to Linda Lane at 3:30 we’ve got a venmo caption 3:30
We’ve got a car driving around until after the door Dash has and then it Parks up and um yeah H how many coincidences are we supposed to believe in I’m just not um I don’t know it’s so many red flags to me I think so I think it’s Um I just don’t believe at this stage by is guilty as I said I’m I’m more than prepared to accept it if you know they’ve got some Smoking Gun that we don’t know about but the fact they’ve been so quiet about everything they W hand things over you know they are
Prepared to acknowledge the DNA might be thrown out I don’t think they’ve got anything else other than the DNA that they are you know they’re quite prepared for it to be thrown out and then I shoved in these completely random things at the end um let’s have a look what ra
Says if you see how it’s kind of blurred on the outer window I think it’s camera defocus thing okay so my only issue with that R is I’m trying to see it’s kind of BL on the outer window see I don’t think my glasses are up to scratch here see I personally
Think it’s on the wall but you could be right but that’s quite a curve there isn’t it in the branch you see what I mean it’s and those splodes maybe I just yeah maybe you’re right but I tell you what I’ll do we’ll um I’ll find the original footage
Because it’s actually a video and I’ll play it in my next live and we can have a you know we can have a kind of chat about what we think it is I mean let me see I’m trying to I’m trying to sort of stand back and look at it it’s just the
Way that that curves um you could be right I just I can’t see anything in front of that window frame though but maybe you’re right maybe it’s it’s a weird blur for me if it’s let me see weird splodges for branches I don’t know I could I could accept perhaps one
At the end is perhaps leaves I don’t know I I don’t know I’m going to dig out the video we’ll we’ll do um an investigation um I don’t know yeah no you could be right you could be right yeah I’m going to I’m going to
Have to find the video now and I’ll see if we can see it from a different angle um I just feel it’s weird how that’s blurred and the other branch and leaves that’s not blurred the window frame isn’t blurred and neither is the ma man’s arm or the light switch and yet we’ve
Got this weird blur I don’t know really interesting um oh let’s look Lisa what does Lisa say there was a video put out that they saw these different spots on the wall when you came in the front door fryan another officer we looking at it but now house it’s gone oh I’m going
To have to hunt that one now as well Lisa yeah that’s I didn’t see that I never saw that one you see there was another one where it I could see clearly afterwards it looked like a big M but actually they had M they had like
Material on the wall and it was the folds in the material I could see that clearly that that that was I discarded that one cuz thought oh yeah that’s just material folds I can see it now um let’s have a look what’s that yeah it looks like it’s near the switch plate
Though yeah I don’t know I just don’t get the impression it’s close to the camera but I think we’ll know more if I can find the original footage so I will dig that out guys I definitely will I’m determined to get back on my channel I’ve been I’m so
Sorry I’ve been so terrible um oh that’ be great Lisa thank you that’ be brilliant look top left more of it yeah and oh God can you see they’ve got a bit of red tape there as well haven’t they look can you see I’m not wrong am I that’s evidence tape isn’t
It I think so as well h Hollyberry that’s a great name I love that I think it’s on the wall and can you see the red tape now I think I might be wrong I it looks to me oh this is interesting it looks to me like the red
Tape is on the window I don’t think that’s on the wall I think it’s on the window and that is a first floor window I’ve Got a Feeling isn’t that isn’t that ledge below yeah cuz this is the front of the house I believe I’m going to have to find the
Video so I’m sure um yeah the red tape you mean r yeah I think it’s I think so could be the inside of the window yeah but I wonder you remember crime circus’s video of what he thought was blood on the on the ledge um below Z and Ethan’s window this
Isn’t Zan and Ethan’s room though but I wonder oh I wish I knew for sure which um it’s either above the stairs or one by TV so do you think that that sort of red looking tab is some sort of glare or do you mean what I thought was spray
Paint yeah I I think it’s living room window you see I was thinking about this as well why yeah I agree Rachel I’m not convinced that was blood on the on the ledge um on that sort of flat roof um and jewels I think brought up the fact
It could also be old foliage stained you know like certain colored leaves leaving Oh leaving you know that sort of red yeah I I I don’t think that was blood but who knows the ladder was on the side of the house that they obviously didn’t bother investigating they just used it
To tie crime scene tape too bizarre um oh yes yeah the window still is looking red bottom right is looking red it’s just I can see it looks like a tab top left top left that looks like one of those evidence tabs so I wonder if thing
Is I was I was thinking about the windows and the doors and you know it’s like oh they found a handprint on the door this was a party house that house would have been covered in fingerprints and handprints I’d love to know how they narrowed it down to the ones that were more
Suspicious you think how many people will have kind of Lent against a window or opened a window shut a window I just don’t know how I remember it being in mainstream media it’s like oh my God there’s a handprint on the slider it’s like well what do you reckon do you
Think do you think the whole house had no handprints and fingerprints in it was a party house you know and it had all you had the victims living in it along and Ethan was staying there and they had people coming and going yeah oh oh right something is blurred
Out down by the red glare on the window sill yeah it does look blurry there you’re right um but yes I’m sure r that is it’s an Evidence tag but that’s my point how I won’t so I wonder if it’s blood because if it’s a fingerprint on a
Window in a student house has lots of parties what’s particularly sus about that I wonder so you know I think it’ll be really interesting to go way back to early footage early images what we should do perhaps is go back and find all the evidence tape and
The you know the things that they highlighted that perhaps we didn’t take notice of because it’s odd that they’ve got evidence tape on that particular window I wonder what that was yeah the the car the the pantless cup yeah the jacket’s clear and yet I am
Right guys I’m going to have to go now nobody’s coming up on panel but come up next time have a think about everything um go and watch bubbly Waters video on Molly Gray’s Daddy see how big these players are um I’ve looked a little bit in shaal
Into shala’s parents but I couldn’t find anything that we didn’t already know that they are both doctors they seem to be pediatric doctors um and they do work out in Africa so I couldn’t find anything else there uh but I I was the more I D dug
Into daddy daddy cat I thought oh this link with University and all these millions of dollars and billions of dollars can that also be a coincidence um yeah thank you mdp I’ve got to go too because I’ve got so much um I’ve got so much to do
Tomorrow so I’m going to have a cup of tea now and I’m going to which will probably keep me awake but um yeah I’ve got all sorts to get on with but thank you thank you all so much thank you Holly Berry bless his heart he um yeah
We we had to had to do a nine 99 911 call um gosh over a week ago now um he he has he was taken in with pneumonia and then he had a heart attack in the hospital and now they’ve told me his kidneys aren’t functioning and his heart is functioning at
35% so he’s really really poorly um but you know they’re doing all they can he’s got new meds his blood pressure’s down he’s not eating very well which worries me cuz my mom passed away with heart failure so I’m I’m trying to stay as positive as I
Can um I’m trying to get him to eat and um thank you thank you so much and thank you Lisa that would be brilliant um thank you for your prayers for my brother and thank you so much for still having faith in me when I’ve just stood you up so many times
Um the you know I spoke to occupational therapy today and we got plans in place for when he comes home to make you know um moving around the house easier for him and I think I might have to give up my work and I will care for
Him and that would mean that I will be at home and then I thought well I also make jewelry and I thought well you know I will do my YouTube channel and my jewelry and it won’t be the end of the world and so you might see more of
Me I’ve got to stay positive I’ve got to think of the positives um he’s more important than anything so thank you thank you guys thank you Lisa thank you R Holly American princess MTB Rie Rock Chalk dinky everyone I’m so sorry if I’ve missed someone Carrie um you’ve all been Fab turning up
And I’ll see what other digging I can do and I will definitely try and find that that video and I will give you notice of a a live I’ll schedule one um and and yeah I’ll be I’ll try my best to kind of be more on it lots of
Love to you guys have a safe night stay safe and I will speak to you soon lots and lots of love byebye I